Doctor Who, Homework,

Apr 22, 2006 17:48

Ten more minutes until the new Doctor Who episode downloads. *stares at download bar* Speed up. Now.

As soon as it's done downloading, I'll start uploading to my website. If it goes at the usual upload speed, it should take somewhere between four and five hours.

Now, onto the real reason(s) for this post....

Back at the beginning of the semester, I figured "hey, why don't I do an honors contract for this 100 level geography class so I won't have to take the final exam?" Instead of taking the final exam, I'd have to read the book Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond and write a 5-7 page paper on it. Since I'd have all semester to read the book, it seemed like a pretty good idea at the time.

Skip ahead to now, when I just realized that I have about ten days left before I turn in my paper. And I just started the book this afternoon. *headdesk* Yes, I do realize that I'm insane. Please don't remind me.

Since I'm a speed reader, I'm fairly certain that I'll be able to get the book finished by tomorrow. You know, adding in the breaks I take so that my brain doesn't turn to mush on me. *sheepish grin* What? It's not exactly the most action-packed book I've ever read.

Anyway, as I've mentioned several times over the past couple of weeks, I'm working on a Stargate Atlantis story at the moment. I'm not really comfortable with having a 5000+ word story being my first foray into a fandom, though, so I'd like to ask a favor/offer up a service.

If you're in the SGA fandom, I might be able to write you some sort of drabble/ficlet. You know the drill: character(s)/pairing(s)/prompt. Gen, het, femslash, or slash. Though, you know, I'd prefer that you choose one of the first three instead of the last.

After I watch Doctor Who, I'm going to go back to reading Guns, Germs, and Steel. I'll probably be taking a break every couple of chapters, and I'll try to write a story or two every break.

Oh, and I'll try to write a few more stories from my last prompt request post. (Feel free to add to it, by the way.) *nods* I just wanted to see if I could get a few Stargate Atlantis requests added to the list.

fandom-related: prompts, fhu: honors college, fandom: doctor who

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