I haven't really made any New Year's Resolutions the past few years, but in a way I think that I've accomplished more in the past year than I have in... well, ever. I'm finally out of Tennessee and living on my own. I'm paying my own rent, my own car insurance, my own health insurance (well, I have been for the last two years, if you can call the
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Comments 12
And I never liked brown rice but am trying to switch because it's better and a friend clued me into throwing a stick of cinnamon in to boil/simmer away with it and it actually does help.
There's a restaurant near by parents' house back in Tennessee, this little steakhouse called Sarge's Shack, that has delicious brown rice. There are onions and peppers cooked with it, and - while I've never quite been able to replicate their recipe - I've found that adding those gives it a really good taste.
...like traveling more and going to cons, but paying off debt.Well, yes and no. I always plan ahead for Vividcon and save up money, so this is more of a reminder for me to make sure I put aside a few hundred dollars now while I have it to spare so that I won't have any trouble getting to VVC in August. As for the traveling more, it's $20 for a bus ride to NYC (and most other cities) from here; my idea of touring a city involves free (or, at least, cheap) things, like visiting museums or looking at famous sites from the outside. And with trips I pretty much either find a DW/LJ friend who will let me crash on their floor or stay up all night and sleep on the bus back to DC (unless I just head back the same day without ( ... )
And I deeefinitely understand about not wanting to sweat all over yourself before work. Especially if you're expected to look professional (i.e., nice hair and some makeup) that can get ruined on a bike in hot weather.
Oh, and on the note of just posting something, I used to belong to a bunch of drabble contests, they were good for a bit inspiration on something short, and kept me from turning everything into an epic I'd never finish. XD Good for weeks when you don't have a lot of time.
Sorry if I was all like, THIS STUFF IS TOO HARD. ^^; Yooou....should see my "list." It's sorta secret because if I posted it publicly, people would laugh, but I think it has "become a Time Lord" somewhere on it.
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