I haven't really made any New Year's Resolutions the past few years, but in a way I think that I've accomplished more in the past year than I have in... well, ever. I'm finally out of Tennessee and living on my own. I'm paying my own rent, my own car insurance, my own health insurance (well, I have been for the last two years, if you can call the
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And I never liked brown rice but am trying to switch because it's better and a friend clued me into throwing a stick of cinnamon in to boil/simmer away with it and it actually does help.
There's a restaurant near by parents' house back in Tennessee, this little steakhouse called Sarge's Shack, that has delicious brown rice. There are onions and peppers cooked with it, and - while I've never quite been able to replicate their recipe - I've found that adding those gives it a really good taste.
And yes, raw veggies dipped in ranch was pretty much what my folks had to resort to in order to get me to eat any.
My family had white rice, plain and by itself on the side (or served with roast/stew meat/etc. and brown gravy, which is yummy even if I hated it as a kid), and we only had brown rice on special occasions when we went to Sarge's. I think that's the big reason I grew up loving it and hating white rice.
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