[FIC] Salvezza, CH1

Mar 28, 2011 19:00

Title: Salvezza
Pairing: QMi (with future side pairings)
Genre: Prostitute!AU, Romance, Dark, Smut
Rating: R
Type: Multi-chaptered

Summary: Zhou Mi is an Arch-in-training, an angel of no recognition, to be one of the highest of the prostitution rank due to his mentor’s persistence. He realizes that "going out" and "testing" would be both a temptation he couldn’t resist and a salvation he really needs.

Kyuhyun believes no person, no miracle and no hope. When he gets himself a questionable companion glued to him, wanting him, he starts to believe otherwise.


Arch - highest member of the hierarchy; richest, proudest paying prostitutes.
Principalities - mentors/coaches who are denied being an Arch due to age and lack of prowess.
Angel - lowest member of the hierarchy; simplest, cheapest paying prostitutes.
House - the notorious prostitution place that has been on-wanted by the authorities for a long period of time.


They brought in another person, a victim of course, whose luck had turned upside down. Maybe this one was unsuspecting, probably on his way to school, or his way home or anything but this - unconscious, bagged, kidnapped, and placed into a world he knew not existed. Until now.

Yes, his fate was turned. Turned for the worst. Just like his. How comforting to think that more and more victims like here shared the same fate.

And he could make sure that this newly taken man - a Chinese it would seem, good-looking, tall with a sharp nose - would get all the help to survive his new life.

The wrong kind of help, that was.


Four months later.


“You still can’t get the hang of it? Are you shy or something?”

Zhou Mi flinched at the accusation because, no, he wasn’t shy. After all this time sleeping with various people, of various personalities couldn’t make him shy. It made him bold to an extent; fast to get it done because staying in his room and getting pounded (sometimes, vice versa) and the smell of messy sex didn’t appease him. It made him didn’t want it more and more.

“Master, how long do I need to keep doing this?” He asked, tired. Zhou Mi laid sprawled on the couch and hoped tonight’s customers were done and no more arriving. It had been his sixth and the last got a little rough in him, pulling his hair and coming into his mouth so awkward and bad. Zhou Mi noted to brush his teeth, clean the insides. It never tasted good. It never did.

“Like I said, if management likes your performance, they’d bring you up and let you choose your partners. Remember, everyone starts as an angel and needs to prove themselves. Don’t worry, when you become an Arch, things would be easier like grander rooms, more food and more options. They even provide toys too, for easy and pleasurable… you know.”

Zhou Mi watched the older man taking a cup and filling it water, drinking it. Like it was yesterday he remembered himself being offered by a drink by the same man. This man who welcomed him, and comforted him when Zhou Mi found out what just happened to him the moment he woke up. Away from home, away from his parents and friends, away from his peaceful life to this chaos.

He was here, in the House of paid sex and good time. He became a prostitute not too long ago, submitting his body like a commodity. Zhou Mi cried every after session, of relenting customers who liked the “new ones” and using him, touching him, playing him until Zhou Mi ached and hurt.

His mentor was there, present, by his side throughout the process. He aided Zhou Mi, gave him something to eat, and the knowledge to overcome this nightmare.

The nightmare that came out routinely until Zhou Mi got used to. But not entirely, no. He could never get used to this.

His mentor taught him things, taught him how the House worked. You need to get better in what you are doing. The more you please the customers, the more chances you’d get into the Arch. If you don’t grow and remained stagnant like me, you’ll end up into Principalities and let me just say that it’s a horrible job. No better than an Angel’s. Of course Angels get the sex. Principalities don’t. You wouldn’t want that, would you? You’d want sex AND the power altogether, right? Just like an Arch.

Make into the Arch, Zhou Mi. Were the words his mentor told him that day when he realized he was trap in this convoluted place, echoing in him like an order. Be an Arch and you’ll be okay.

Zhou Mi didn’t know how long this would take honestly. And how much he had to offer until he could safely say he’d be okay but he was tired. It was a long night and management finally announced they were closed and he could finally get some sleep.

The lights closed, his mentor left him on the couch to let him rest. This was better than staying inside his hell-room alone and let dreams of pain-pleasure haunt him. Zhou Mi never had a good dream ever since arriving.


“What do you think you’re doing? You told me you’d make him perfect and all the feedback I get are awkward performances and unpleasured ladies. Those CEOs like newbies like him but not for long. They want better whores the next time.”

“Sir, he’s still getting there. I’m trying to get him get used to it.”

“Well, try harder. He’s a waste if doesn’t become an Arch. I see expectations from him, just like Sungmin and Donghae.”

There was a pregnant pause; the lights from various surveillance screens flickering at darkness of the room. It showed the empty rooms - from simple interior to extravagant designs and told so many of the ranks the House was working it.

“How about I raise an offer for you to get motivated. It’s not like I don’t know what you’re really after. And I know you don’t take angels under your wing without motives. I know my employees and nothing is left unnoticed under my eyes.”

There was an acknowledging smirk. And an attentive posture. One screen flickered, with the volume on and there was sound of wanton moans and begging and pleases recorded. But all were drowned out soon, left ignored in favor of listening to something more interesting than a whore’s voice and a customer’s adamant requests.


Zhou Mi walked into the lighted hallways, towards the dining room. They weren’t open until much later and he was hungry for lunch. There sat his co-angels, Sungmin and Donghae conversing. They saw him, waved and gestured at him to sit and eat.

“How are you?” Sungmin and his cheery self, smiling at Zhou Mi. “I heard you had too much last night.”

Zhou Mi slumped. “Yeah, I kinda did. Didn’t expect it either.” He reached for a sandwich that was on Donghae’s tray, earning himself a cute pout from the man but Donghae let him. “He almost uprooted my hair. Almost made me bald.”

“Mine kicked me.” Sungmin told sagely. “Orgasmic karate, huh?”

“Tell me about. Mine bit too hard, it left a mark. This will need make-up. Or else my Principality would get angry.” Donghae gestured on his shoulder, bobbing it. “I don’t know if I would take this as a compliment or what.”

The boisterous laughing had them pausing, looking at the crowd of sneering Arch members. They were a few of ladies and men but with a bountiful food right on their tables, in contrast with the three’s.

“Pathetic angels.” One Arch, a man at that, with good-looking face grimaced at them and made choking gestures. “How about you do your jobs right and stop complaining? You guys are for the cheap customers, unlike us. How do you even eat that kind of trash on your plates?”

More Arch members laughed, intimidating other angels inside the room. Zhou Mi had his fist balled; his anger seeping. His mentor wanted him to be an Arch? With this kind of members in it?

Oh, he was ready to fly his fist and break that pretty face of that Arch.

“No, Zhou Mi, don’t. A fight between Archs and Angels could only go so bad. Please, just ignore them.” Sungmin covered his hand with his, squeezing it. Donghae looked at him with pleading eyes that said the same thing.

Zhou Mi idly wondered why prostitutes fight another when they were having the same, awful experience. Shouldn’t they be helping each other instead? Out of this House? He could only conclude that having power changes people so fast, so easily; to succumb to it.

“Knock it off.” Came an authorative voice, the Arch members turning quiet immediately. It was Zhou Mi’s mentor entering with the other Principalities. The tension finally dispersed and everyone inside the room let out a sigh of relief.

“Zhou Mi, you done?” His mentor asked, taking a seat next to him. “Hey… what did you say your names were again?” He looked at the quiet two. Zhou Mi saw them quivering suddenly at the gaze of his master.

“Sungmin, sir.”

“I’m Donghae.”

“Ah, right. Well, then, eat. Zhou Mi, when you’re done, go back to my place, alright? We need to talk.” He didn’t spare a look at the two before retreating, leaving them.

Sungmin, gulped. “Zhou Mi… I still can’t believe you’re under him. I don’t know why but he’s frightening me.” He shuddered; his arms crossing around himself in a protective gesture. Donghae sought warmth, leaning to Sungmin and embracing him.

“What? But he’s really nice. He saved me. I told you, remember?” Zhou Mi would never forget that, owing a lot to the man who held his hand and brought him up after the incident. He frowned next, watching Donghae shook.

“Something tells me more. Something really tells me that he’s other than that.”

They sat in silence, finishing up and Zhou Mi filed his thoughts away and ran back to where he was supposed to be and didn’t doubt. He trusted his mentor, ever since that day. They didn’t know his mentor like he did.

Except, he didn’t know the other things his mentor didn’t tell him.


“Good news!” The older man exclaimed the second Zhou Mi stepped inside. “Management told me something to help you rank up!”

There was the moment inside the dining area Zhou Mi remembered. He didn’t like it, really, but said nothing. He just leaned against the table, listening. He had always been the listening type, the obedient one to his master. That was much he could show his respect.

“This is a theory they want to experiment. Training if you could call it. If an angel could bring in customer from the outside, we can get more sales than letting customers from the inside.”

Zhou Mi looked at him lost. “I don’t get it.”

His mentor smiled that smile Zhou Mi knew of and trusted with. “We’re going to work outside, find patrons and bring them in. Make them addicted. You are to whore yourself out there than stay here and just let customers go to you. You go to the customers instead.”

He suddenly perked up. The idea of going out, seeing the place he never had the chance to suddenly sound so appealing. And he could be away from the House for a while, away from the Arch and the grabby and rough hands of his usual patrons. Yes, this might work.

He really wanted to go out, to breathe in the air and not of booze or cigar or other stuff. He wanted to be free, even for a counted moment.

“Are you up for it?” His mentor asked; his arms crossed and knowing. “I know you can do this, Zhou Mi.”

Zhou Mi closed his eyes, finally feeling something positive for the first time. “Okay. I’ll do it.”


To be continued?


A/N: I need to confess that there are at least 3 (or more? ide) pending QMis to be finished. Every time I start chaptered fics, I lose interest altogether. Which is a crappy thing too. That's why I made sure to at least outline Salvezza from start to finish so I could be proud to at least finish stories. Pfft. So, yes, well, this kind of AU is all sorts of new to me so, uh, go easy on me? So far I like where this is going.

Comments are loved, by the way. I need to know if you want me to continue. And, well, did you like what you read?

Dedicated to my writing mate, kingheechul , who has been putting up with my random outbursts of stories and kinks. Pfft. Thanks, darling~ And how I hope all_nostalgia  would read this even though she ain't no QMi shipper like I am. I want to share this with you? *hides*

pairing: qmi, genre: yaoi/smut, subject: zhou mi, type: multi-chapter, !fanfic, subject: kyuhyun, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, rating: nc-17/r, author: setsuna_k, genre: romance

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