[FIC] Saving You and Me , CH2

Oct 31, 2009 20:53

Title: Saving You and Me
Pairing: QMi (or MiQ! <3)
Genre: Comedy-ish, Drama, Romance, slight!Angst
Rating: R
Type: Multi-chapter
Status: In-progress

Disclaimer: And then it dawned to me... I don't own them. OH, THAT HURTS.

Summary: It was the unthinkable and possibly the unacceptable but Zhou Mi, kind and patient that he is, dismissed Kyuhyun's irrational action that night. However, things turned out more complicated when the Sunshine-man begins losing his smile. And then he just HAD to find out how truly insane and maddening it is to be in love right after. What's a Seasoning to do?


Chapter 2: Crazy Discovery


Zhou Mi tried. He really REALLY tried cheering up, laughing, grinning or putting up his infamous smile back on his lips but he just couldn't, not when Kyuhyun and everyone of Super Junior-M were cackling so hard together as they were about retell a very memorable incident that had took place just three weeks ago.

How could they be so happy about this, the Chinese artiste thought to himself and watched the group exchanged knowing looks and a quiet Kyuhyun sinking at his chair trying to look as small as possible - his lanky hands, Zhou Mi remembered them clearly as rough and strong albeit the small frame, covering his face out of embarrassment. If they knew about that, they wouldn't be so happy.

It was a good thing that he was seated away from the younger male; the unusual arrangement of Zhou Mi sitting next to Henry and not Kui Xian had gone unnoticed by anyone. Although it earned a quirk of questioning ShiBrows before the start of program but Siwon just dismissed it after.

Back at the current situation, Donghae was the first one to give in, letting out an obvious snicker when the male MC asked them, "Anything you'd like to share that is interesting that the fans do not know? I bet there's so much to rat out about the members! Ah, Donghae! You seem have something in mind!"

"Ah! No, no! I don't think I should share this!"

But the audience were suddenly impatient - cheering and wanting. The good-looking young man would've distracted them by calling out soothingly, Darlings, please don't be like that, but it just resulted to a more thundering squeals and delights and everyone of the group - excluding Zhou Mi, of course - nodded their heads all together. Really, who could resist these cheerful and loving fans? No idol could turn them down.

Ryeowook, taking the growing silence as his sign, began slowly, "Well, it was like this... Kui Xian did something cute."

He just started his sentence that way but the enormous studio grew instantly noisy - the fans screaming so happily at the not-so-everyday remark about a certain quiet Cho Kyuhyun 'doing something cute'.

But Zhou Mi thought otherwise, nearly choking at his own throat. Cute...? CUTE? How can that be cute? I'm going crazy here. Instead of showing disapproval, he forced a smile and a nod, confirming what the Eternal Magnae had just said. His heart did sank after but no one knew about it.

Or so he thought.

"Our Kui Xian slept-walk a couple of days ago." Hankyung continued on, shoving playfully at the grinning but embarrassed Kyuhyun by the shoulders. The other members had amused smiles, especially Ryeowook who knew Kyuhyun oh-so-well that it was rather un-Kyuhyun-like to sleep-walk during the evening-hours. "And he ended up at, guess whose room?"

"I tried looking for him but he was nowhere in sight that morning! I even visited the members' rooms one-by-one and found him at... guess who!" Siwon added and smirked when the younger one at the hot-seat could only shook his head and avoid burning gazes from eager fans. Because of this guessing game, the fans turned noisier and more excited than never before. Who wouldn't? The sleep-walking Kui Xian event didn't come by usually and HE ended up in someone else's room!

Talk about pairing, the fans murmured to themselves. It didn't come by often, they had said.

"Let me guess..." The MC helped - quite amused at the topic, to the point he was laughing along - and took quick glances of each member, noting their expressions if there was someone who looked guilty as Kyuhyun. Hankyung and Siwon were crossed-out from the list right from the beginning, yes.

Henry was grinning ear-to-ear. No. He was too innocent to be the one even though he was most likely to forget to lock doors. Besides, he already made spotlight with him stealing undergarments from their leader. A fact well-known throughout China and Korea.

Ryewook smiled his cheek-bone-showing smile. Unlikely. He was the one who was so eager to tell the story and too pleased at his dongsaeng's current misery. Ah, Ryeowook was indeed evil at times.

Donghae and his dazzling smirk. Impossible. Donghae was Donghae. No explanation needed.

And then there was Zhou Mi and his... funny, where was his smile? The MC, sharped and well-informed about SJ-M's popularity and individual trademarks, stared in wonder at the unusual poker face the Chinese man wore. He wasn't smiling or even grinning; just an unreadable expression staring somewhere but the stage area. He knew he was about to guess it right. "Ah! Is it Zhou Mi's room?"

Kyuhyun couldn't sink any deeper at his seat.

Zhou Mi looked like he just got stabbed right into the heart.

And the remaining members bursted in chair-slipping, body-dropping and shoulder-shaking guffaws.

"Kui Xian couldn't remember anything right after!" Hankyung told when he had a breather from all the laughing. "We asked how he ended up in Zhou Mi's, how he was able to go inside and how he managed to steal the bed from him! Zhou Mi practically slept on the carpeted floor!"

"He couldn't remember a single thing! For real!" Donghae convinced the MC who looked rather surprised at the revelation and laughed all-together. Zhou Mi remained quiet and his gaze averted from the sight before him - the laughing and the smiling. He felt so heavy that it gave him headaches and muscle-pains enough to want the recording to be finished as soon as it could. This topic literally pained him.

And Kyuhyun pained him, big time, at the simple fact that the former couldn't remember a damn thing. Was Kyuhyun this cruel? And why him, out of all people? Right after that incident, Zhou Mi couldn't any longer think straight and act properly. Even his smile - HIS FAMOUS SMILE - died out for a while just because of Kui Xian.

Should he be angry? Upset? And tell Kyuhyun off about what he had done to him? Just because of his homosexual relationship with Sungmin didn't turn out pretty, did Zhou Mi have to be the one to take the blow? The hurt? That passionate and hungry kiss?

Why? Why was Zhou Mi thinking so much about this Cho Kyuhyun that he did before? Everything: every detail, every sound, every word, every touch and every kiss was as clear as the sun whenever Zhou Mi thought of it, whenever he remembered. Why was his heart fluctuating at both anger and nervousness?

And as though the program, or the MC or anyone heard his mental, hurting ramblings, the PD called off from the backstage to their attention, "Sir, Lee Sungmin of Super Junior is on the phone! Should I patch him through?"

So the program had the call-a-member-during-his-time-of-confusion- segment. Great. Just great. Could things get anymore unpredictable?

"Yes, get him through!" The male MC did a thumbs-up and finally turned back to the audience and the idol guests. "We'll be having someone on the phone! And you'd be surprised to know who it is!" After a few pauses, "Hello, are you there?"

Ah, hello! Yeah, I'm here! It's me, Sungmin of Super Junior!

The crowd went wild at the mere voice of the famous idol who, the fans probably assumed, was at Korea as of the moment. The Super Junior-M members just smiled and chuckled, hearing that cutesy voice after the longest time. Ryewook seemed like he was about to burst into tears  after hearing Sungmin.

It had really been a long time.

"Sungmin, you're live with us, SJ-M and the fans. Say hi to everyone!" The MC told while he held firm his microphone.

Oh, okay. Hi, everyone! You guys doing well? Are you guys loving Super Girl? It's a great song, isn't it? I listen to it everyday! At the members, are you guys eating and resting properly? Eeteuk-hyung misses you! Everyone here at the dorm misses you! You guys are working so hard there at China! You make us proud!

"Hyung! I missed you!" Ryeowook wailed at his cutest and everyone could only go aww. Hankyung just nodded his head. Siwon and Donghae looked rather pleased. Henry appeared otherwise and seemed to be in search of the source of the voice; his eyes and face darting at different directions, looking rather lost and stupefied.

"You wouldn't believe that Kyuhyunnie slept-walk!"

Kyuhyun let out a chuckled and looked away; there was that soft smile across his lips. The fans followed and giggled at the adorable wailing Ryeowook was doing.

At the sight of Kui Xian, Zhou Mi hitched his breathing; he listened and watched dumbfoundedly. Were they going to talk live, as of this moment, about that? Weren't Sungmin and Kyuhyun angry at each other? Why did it sound like there was nothing going around the members? Once again, something was off. Really, really off.

Kyuhyun-ah, are you causing trouble again? It vibrated through the phone that Sungmin chuckled. Listen to your hyungs, okay? And don't sleep-walk on people. It might scare them. He then laughed so lightly and real, like he was just there with them.

"Not at all, hyung. I'm behaving, really." Came smooth reply from the male who tormented the Chinese singer for weeks.

They're... talking so casually for a broken-up couple, Zhou Mi whispered to himself but shook the thought away. He shouldn't even think about those kind of things. It was not his business. Well, somewhat now, right after that incident.

"Don't you miss me, hyung?" There was that playful tone from Kyuhyun's question that made crowd squeal and Zhou Mi to look at his direction in great surprise mix terror.

Did he just ask what he thought he asked?

Of course I do! I missed Donghae-ah, Ryeowook-ah, Siwonnie, Hankyung-hyung, Henry-ah and Zhou Mi-ah!

"But it's me, your roommate, you missed the most, right?" Kyuhyun smirked; his chin on his one hand and legs gracefully crossed. The previous embarrassed air suddenly dispersed. He spoke so nonchalantly that it was frightening for Zhou Mi. Weren't they worried about displaying affection, especially on airwaves FOR THOUSANDS TO HEAR AND WATCH? Weren't they afraid of getting caught as an ex-couple? Weren't they aware that management was observing them like a hawk?

Zhou Mi grew more fidgety.

Sure, sure, Kyuhyun-ah. Came a sarcastic reply but the tone sounded that Sungmin was smiling at the other end Oh, I gotta go! SJ-T has to record a new song! Everyone, please anticipate it! Super Junior-M, fighting! And with an ending tone, Sungmin added, Love you, Kyu! Love you, SJ-M!

"Yeah, yeah. Go away."

And the squealing died out, only to be replaced by the chattering of the MC about how Super Junior is one big, happy family. Everyone seemed to agree on that, except for one whose mind was boggled with mystery and questions that caused him to lose concentration and participation with the group, with the on-going show.

There was definitely something wrong that Zhou Mi couldn't pin-point it exactly.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun were couples who just broke up recently were talking LIVE as if the event never happened.

Kyuhyun who looked and sounded so desperate and wasted before at their broken relationship appeared normal and happy. Heck, he was being the playful maknae again!

Neither seemed to show or to hint any hate or rage for each other. Usually, there was at least a hint of anger going one between spoken words. Zhou Mi watched those Korean and Chinese dramas all the time during free time so he had a clue. He was sure that it would turn out that way. But then there was none. And it didn't.

Something was definitely wrong.

And Zhou Mi was at loss of words after that.


Late evening came and everyone was at their respective hotel rooms, packing and arranging clothes for their next visit and show. It was a good thing that the tall man roomed with Ryeowook that night or else Zhou Mi wouldn't be able to sleep again for the fear of someone straddling him at his sleep.

"Sungmin-hyung's so sweet and nice, isn't he? Sparing a time to call us." Ryeowook spoke rather fondly as he fold his attire in his suit case. Zhou Mi, however was half-attentive while rummaging aimlessly the closet.

"Y-yeah, he is." Was all Zhou Mi's reply before his thought flew away from the younger one's talking.

"It's pretty funny he still remembered to be a tease during phone calls. I mean, I can't talk so sweetly at Yesung-hyung like that because, you know, we're really going out. Not like them, being a fictional pair only - KyuMin, you know that, right? -they can exchange words like that. Ah~ So envious."

Zhou Mi stood shocked and almost ALMOST dropped his expensive IPOD on the cold, hard floor. "..Wait. Say that again?"

"Huh? So envious?"

"No, no. Before that!" He didn't understand why it did but his heart did a double beat than normal. Zhou Mi felt his world spinning.

"Fictional pair only? KyuMin? Not them dating? Me and Yesung-hyung together? Which one? I think I said a lot." There was that goofy grin from Ryeowook but Zhou Mi had no time to pinch those little cheeks of him.

"They're NOT dating?" The man had to clarify or else his heart would burst out of confusion. "..AT ALL?"

THe younger male looked at his roommate for a good second and blinked at him, as if flabbergasted. "What, no! Kyuhyun and Sungmin? No way! Where in the world did you get that idea, Mi? You're so adorable!"

Zhou Mi began stuttering.

"Did Kyuhyun say anything to you? Mentioned anything about bad habits and aftermaths? Because he tends to sprout gibberish, lies in a blunt sense, when he's dead drunk. Didn't you notice him not drinking too much? Because when he's really drunk, he gets all touchy and says things out of the ordinary! I remembered him coming on to me, saying he wanted me so much and, well, Yesung-hyung shoved Ddang Ko Ma to his face and our pet owned his nose hard." Ryeowook recalled but was unfazed at the memory of it. He even laughed it off. "His nose swelled up for three days, would you believe it?"

The Chinese man felt he needed some kind of stabilization to hold on to and wanted all information to stop entering his head. Unfortunately for him, Ryeowook continued his interesting monologue and rambled on. The more he continued, the more Zhou Mi felt his heart constraining inside his ribcage.

"And then there was the time after promoting the Third Album, we went out for drink and Kyuhyun had too much again. He was too wasted that he almost kissed Donghae-ah but Hyukjae-ah came to the rescue and smacked the lights out of Kyuhyunnie. It wasn't Hyukjae-ah's fault but he felt extremely bad for living a hand-mark on Kyuhyunnie's face that next day. So sad, really. But so funny too." Ryeowook sniggered as he took out fresh socks from his luggage. "Well, that was the last time that had happened, with him getting drunk. Now he sleep-walks? Kyu's really interesting, isn't he?"

Zhou Mi practically excused himself and ran outside, living a wondering Ryeowook inside their room. His head pounded and breathing erratic as he dashed along the stretch of the corridor. All the information solved itself and the older male couldn't believe it.

It just happened that his room was the nearest one to Kyuhyun's that night so it was no wonder he was the victim.

Then all Kyuhyun had confessed, told and cried were... were...

"Nothing." Zhou Mi finished quietly as he took a heavy step to nowhere. They were just incoherent thoughts and behavior produced by liquors. Kyuhyun's actions - those demanding kisses, rough touches and sensual whisperings were nothing. Well, at least something was solved tonight. Now that he knew that he wasn't in some kind of love triangle or that the fan-serving that took place earlier between Kyuhyun and Sungmin was just a little game of playful conversation because it was simply nothing.

But why? Why was it he couldn't brush it off as nothing? Why did it feel unfair for Zhou Mi? Why, when he stared at Kui Xian's drowning raven eyes that night, his heart sank so deep that he couldn't seem to pull up from?

"Hey, are you okay?" A familiar, velvet voice asked in concern. Zhou Mi turned slowly, in fear and felt he couldn't breathe afterwards.

Why was this guy, Kui Xian, drove Zhou Mi insane to love?




A/N: There was a lot of mental debates on how I'd go about the scenario in which I had to mention that Kyuhyun didn't remember a single thing that happened that night with Zhou Mi. Did I end this right? BAH. I seriously feel like fail here. My head's bleeding now and I need some kind of breather - A SEXY QMI FIC WOULD DO ME GOOD. REALLY REALLY. I do hope I did an okay job for this chapter; the sudden turn of events bedazzled me! *dies*

And yes, I turned the wheels so that this fic would turn out light and fluffy and cute and plain sweetness than angsty and sad. I can't take sad fics, really.

Comment, Y/Y?

pairing: qmi, super junior, genre: yaoi/smut, subject: zhou mi, type: multi-chapter, genre: drama, !fanfic, subject: kyuhyun, rating: nc-17/r, genre: humor/comedy, author: setsuna_k, genre: romance

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