[FIC] Winning the Heart! , CH3

Aug 13, 2009 00:00

A/N: An update after days of absence! It still surprises me that I could still submit fics even though I have loads of artworks and plates to do for college. This just proves that writing eases my nerves and the stress. PHEW~

Disclaimer: If I did own SM Entertainment, then, well, BL here we goo!

Warning: Evil-Yesung plots. BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID. And watch out for angry Eeteuk too! Ha ha ha~


The opportunity sprung like daisies in a warm summer morning - opposite from the real, existing weather of today - and I couldn’t help but feel blessed, lucky and glorious, all in one, when Kangin left the dining table to greet the other members who just came back from their early exercise routine.

I grabbed this chance to jump towards the cupboards, quickly taking out a glass container which had white crystalline rocks in it and placing the said container next to another similar looking rocks on the table.

One being sweet sugar, the other being nasty table salt.

My grin widen as I marveled at the dining table’s well-planned arrangement; my food consisted Froot Loops (hey, I love this treat, thank you very much.) and milk while Kangin had simple coffee and toast. I also had to make sure the salt container was innocently placed next to Kangin’s cup. Apparently, my dongsaeng had yet to mix his coffee right and when he did... He he he.

Oh, revenge was definitely sweet, err, salty, or which ever taste that would successfully expose my member’s reaction when he would realize that he just mixed up sugar to salt after he fully downed his cup in one gulp without a second thought.

And the perpetrator would forever be identity-less! My Friendly Revenge plan was the ultimate plan! I couldn’t wait any longer to see the all-too-hilarious Kangin-ah event!

When I finally saw his familiar figure re-entering the dining area with the other members, including Ryewook, - looking so great today, Ryeowook-ah - they sat down on the dining chairs, some were on the couch, and began laughing.

“Did you see Eeteuk-hyung’s face?? That was so funny!” Eunhyuk-ah told everyone who were stifling their giggles as well; he reached out for an empty glass and filled it with water. Remaining quiet, I just listened while inconspicuously watching Kanginnie finally  taking a good amount of spoonful of ‘sugar’ and filling it in his cup. Then added seconds, then thirds.

I cleared my throat too excitedly. Good thing no one noticed my sudden change of facial expression.

“Pranking hyung like that was too cruel… BUT HILARIOUS!” Donghae added while wiping the excess sweat on his forehead with a towel; his big grin didn’t leave his face, as well as the other members’.

I had to note that Ryeowook wore a heart-melting smile as he spoke with Sungminnie and Kyuhyun-ah on the couch. For a brief moment our gazes met and luckily I was able to muster up a nonchalant hand-wave gesture at him; my eyes quickly darting at anything but him. Then his smile quickly disappeared and was replaced by disappointment...?

Hold the phone… what just happened here?

“So where’s Teukie-hyung??” Kangin finally inquired, watching the dongsaengs’ laughing even more. I did wonder as well where Eeteuk-sshi was.

Shindong thumbed the direction of the main door, replying, “Probably changing his clothes on the upper floor. He was covered with mud pretty good. And you do know the man wears white all the time, right?”

Right on cue, and much to my sheer delight, Kangin-ah finished stirring his coffee and brought about the cup near his lips. Ever so slowly and cautiously - probably because of the temperature and not other reasons he was aware of - tilting the cup, he was about to drink when the main door swung opened and revealed an enraged Eeteuk-hyung, fresh from the showers, on the opposite side.


Everyone, excluding me and the now stunned Kangin-ah, turned visibly pale and screamed. “RUUUUN!!”

Then there was chaos. Chaos brought to you by Super Junior inside our dorms; them members running around crazily like headless chickens.

And I didn’t have to state the complete obvious out loud. Friendly Revenge plan: FAILED. Why? Because Hankyung, who jolted off from his chair, accidentally collided with Kangin and the cup on hand dropped; its content spilled on the wooden floors. JUST. LIKE. THAT.

“AISH! My coffee!” Kangin displayed the same furious expression as I did when I saw my plan easily ruined by a force called dongsaengs’ prank! DAMMIT. And I didn’t plan for Friendly Revenge plan B too! ARGH.

In no time, all members were caught by our leader and managed to rope them up on the couch; his facial expression from an angry bull to a now devilish angel. Kangin and I just sat a good distance away but remained in sight.

The main door admitted another guest and this time it was our manager-hyung with papers on his hands. The prisoners yelping help at him, including Ryeowook who looked beyond adorable I had to say.

“Teukie-hyung’s insane! Manager, help us!”

“He’s no angel, we swear! Don’t you see the trident and the horns he has?!”

“I pray for his soul… Please free us, lord!”

Before, all members were laughing at him. Now, Eeteuk-sshi was the one laughing at them - his signature ANG ANG ANG!! laugh echoed inside the dorm. I swore I felt my back chill for a second there.

“Now that I have your undivide -hey, Yesung-ah and Kanginnie, c’mere- attention, me and manager-hyung have something important to discuss to you guys.” When no one responded and everyone just stared at Eeteuk, our hyung took this opportunity to exclaim happily on top of his voice:


One by one, Eeteuk pulled out people from the couch and revealed what seemed to be the members of SJ-M. From my point of view, that was.


Then Siwon.

Then Donghae.

Then Kyuhyun.

And Ryeow-HOLD IT! HOOOOLD IT!! What in Heebum’s name was the meaning of this?!

"SJ-M will market their music and our name to our neighboring country China so you know what that means, right? TRIP TO CHINA!"

Ryeowook-ah? In Super Junior-M? Then what about me?! Why wasn’t I included here?! Every question banged my head non-stop - it was starting to hurt bad - that I couldn’t no longer just stand at my spot idly and had to walk up to Eeteuk-hyung. Said leader looked at me in wonder.

“Yesunggie? What’s wrong? You happy with the new sub-group, yes?” He then gestured the 5 males who looked pretty excited with the sudden development.

“That’s the thing, hyung. I think the group needs more members.” I feigned a concerned tone and wore a pleading look. “How about adding someone, per say, me?”

Because if I joined SJ-M, I would have more time with Ryeowook for sure. Not that sharing rooms was enough but it wouldn’t hurt to have more bonding time with him, right? Plus, I had yet continue the love quest!

But Eeteuk snapped his fingers. “Ah, speaking of adding, there are new members of SJ-M, I forgot to mention. Zhou Mi and Henry. You all remember Henry, right? Our violin-rocking guest in Don’t Don? So that’s a total of 7 members!”

I cursed inwardly. Darn, should I have seen that one coming.

“But, hyung, I looked more way Mandarin than Donghae! See?” I quickly interjected with me pointing my very squinted eyes. Now all members were staring at my direction when I accidentally raised my voice as I spoke.

Upon hearing this, I heard Donghae’s “HEY! I HEARD THAT!” and stuck his tongue out on me.

Our leader shook his head on me. “Yesunggie, it’s already been decided. And Mandarin is a language, not a person.”

“Language? Why, I can speak Chinese, you know! I’ve been learning!” I had once more tried convincing Eeteuk-sshi and our manager-hyung, who I noticed covering his mouth with the back of his palm. Without a moment wasting, I tried my hardest to remember some lines I watched at those Chinese channels on TV I happened to surf by during my bored nights without Ryeowook at our room.

Then I spoke what I surely believed was Chinese. Or maybe gibberish Chinese. In any case, I felt like a student on a large-scale recital performance.

“Kuo wi hao ni go mee Yeshung-kwshi! Dozo yoroshiku!!”

After a good second or two, everyone burst into laughter. Sungminnie, for the first time, dropped on the floors and rolled as he laughed so hard as his lungs permitted him to. “WAS THAT JAPANESE I HEARD FROM YOU?!”

“That’s it. All the more reason not to let you join SJ-M!” Eeteuk finalized. I stared at him crest-fallen. Slowly, I looked at the now newly formed group; my gaze found Ryeowook and stung my heart. Wait, something was off...

Was... was he looking at me? And why did he have that sad look on his face?

Ah, probably it was just my imagination.

Then it dawned to me after moments of contemplating: JOINING SUPER JUNIOR-M: FAILED.

For some reason or another, I felt like I was running out of time… and chances to make this dongsaeng of mine feel the way I feel for him. When would time permit me to kiss him, huh? Dammit.


A/N: Gibberish talking Yesung is something I imagined him doing from time to time! And a fuming Eeteuk running after the members is so much fun FUN FUUUN!

The language Yesung spoke was made up, except for the "Dozo Yoroshiku" which meant in japanese, "Pleased to meet you."

Review chocolates, pretties!

super junior, subject: yesung, subject: ryeowook, rating: pg, type: multi-chapter, main/pov: yesung, !fanfic, pairing: yewook, genre: romance

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