[FIC] His Emotions, Wavering? , CH1

Jul 26, 2009 20:33

A/N: This is actually my very first Super Junior fanfic and honestly, I had a really hard time putting them into their character! Still, I enjoyed imagining their supposed "reactions" in different scenarios. I do hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Disclaimers: I do not own Super Junior and SM Entertainment. (and even any SuJu memorabilias! WAH!)

Warning: YAOI (don't like it, don't view it.) and lotsa cussing. OC too.

There were just some things left unheard. In case if one did hear unpleasant statements, he or she should just simply shrug it off. Unfortunately, to me, this was impossible to just simply shrug it off.

“Sungmin-sshi’s cute and all... but seriously, them pairing him up with Kyuhyun-oppa? It just doesn't suit Kyu-oppa at all!”

I froze unexpectedly. The sign-pen on my hand suddenly just sat on my hand like an item on display - unmoving; my body turned immobilized in seconds. I wanted to turn my head to the direction where these voices were coming from but I couldn't move a single muscle.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Kyunnie's so mature! And Sungmin-sshi? Well, he's just so.. so...”

“A KID.”

“Yeah, he acts so child-like-ish! Kyunnie should be paired to someone his own league! Someone mature as well!”

“Oh, you took the words right out of my mouth! Ha ha ha!”

That was then my eyes grew big, my breath hitched and finally, I dropped my pen. A fan who was standing at my table blinked at my sudden odd behavior but remained quiet. Right on cue, Eeteuk leaned to my side and whispered with his gentle voice, “Sungminnie, what's wrong? You're not signing your poster.”

I finally jerked myself away from my stupor and smiled awkwardly. “Sorry.” I said, sincerely looking at Eeteuk then to the fan who smiled back. I noticed a hint of worry in her facial expression. I took the extra pen on the table and did what I should do. “Here you go. Thank you so much for coming to our fan-meeting.” I said; my voice unconsciously came out like a whisper.

The female fan who was very delighted, bowed at me and skittered happily like a kid who just received a tasty candy.

I fell silent once again, secretly searching for those voices I heard just moments ago. Was I imagining it? Did someone really say that?

Eeteuk eyed me, I felt it, but I didn't look at him. Instead, I found myself leaning forward and looking at the direction to certain magnae who sat at the end part of our table, welcoming fans and signing their poster with that big grin on his face. Perhaps it was just sheer coincidence that Kyuhyun noticed me immediately and gave me a happy wave using his lanky hands. I wanted to smile back, like my usually cheerful self, but I just looked at him. Totally unresponsive.

The moment our eyes met in a gaze, I felt an unusual sting on my chest. A pain that I had never experienced before. Seriously, what the hell was wrong with me? Did the previous music show take its toll on me? I must be tired. Yeah, that must be it.

Because all through-out the duration of this fan-meeting, all that played inside my head were those words told by either my own twisted imagination or fans who weren't a little fond of me.

Oh, I wanted to rest now. A seriously need a good, good rest. Perhaps tomorrow, I would feel a bit better.

But that sentence alone… I had no idea how wrong I was.


The persistent, loud banging at the main door forced sleepy Eunhyuk to peel himself off his bed to answer it. “Right, coming… coming.” The artist groggily muttered and as soon as he opened a door, he was greeted with a fast moving… object? Said object mercilessly tackled him, earning the unsuspected victim an “UGH!”

“Fried rice! Fried rice! Hankyung-hyung’s Beijing fried rice!!” Donghae, with his usual dormitory wardrobe, yelled loudly as he literally attached himself to his closest friend. “Rise’n’shine, Super Junior! Time for breakfast!!”

Eunhyuk groaned. “Keep it down, will you? Everyone here’s still sleeping.” The sleepy singer pulled away from his member’s grasp and started to retreat to his room. Donghae, however, remained unmoving and showed no signs of leaving just yet.

“You lazy ass, GET UP NOW!” Right on cue and with no permission at all, Hankyung and Kyuhyun cheerfully entered the room next. Within moments, the once quiet room of the sleeping members turned to an unexplainable chaotic lair.

“Cooking time!” Donghae, ever the ball of energy, swiveled to his Chinese comrade and beamed. “Hyung, how about making those rolls you made just last week? Those were delicious!”

Hankyung, a delight expression in his eyes, smiled. “Alright, go ready the frying pan then.”

Yesung, victim one of the hyperactivity of his members-slash-guests, bobbed his head from the living room. “Wookie, can you get that turtle food I stored on the cup-board? It’s feeding time now and I’m exactly seven point three minutes late in feeding the little one!”

Simply couldn’t help it, Ryeowook just shook his head and wondered why, oh why did he allow to constantly submit himself to his hyung’s weird habits. “Yeah, your pet must be REALLY cranky now, I bet.”

“What? What did you saaay??”

“Oh, nothing.”

But the last guest - the one who didn’t partake in any kitchen-duties or turtle ones - wondered off to the empty hallway, searching for a certain hyung who obviously was not present at the kitchen. Kyuhyun stopped in front of a familiar door and knocked politely.

“Sungmin-sshi? You awake?”

No response.

“Hyung, I’m coming in, okay?” That said, Kyuhyun slowly opened the door.


So much for a good, good rest, I already slept at almost dawn - when the skies were already turning blue and the bustling sounds of cars resonated from the distance. I had so many things in mind - thing I had been worrying over since the last meeting - that I barely noticed the time.

Right now, I didn’t want to get up from my bed and see everyone. Even though the commotion was so loud - Hankyung screaming about Eunhyuk and fire - and sounded quite inviting, I remained wrapped around my thick covers and closed myself to everything.

I was starting to fall asleep again, and was more than happy to welcome la la land, when a sound came from my door - a knock.

“Sungmin-sshi? You awake?”

A surprise gasped escaped my lips. Before I could even comprehend a rational idea, I instead thought, Oh, shit. Don’t tell me that’s-

“Hyung, I’m coming in, okay?” Too late to response a big, shrilling NO! I heard the door opening before me and had no choice but to shut my eyes immediately, shift to a more comfortable and sleeping-ish position and pretended to still be snoozing the day away.

Hey, I had a pretty good excuse of sleeping till almost noon. I got tired from yesterday, VERY TIRED right? RIGHT?

This was better than finding out about what happened last night. I’d rather keep quiet about it than having them worrying over something as trivial as not-so-Sungmin-fan comment.

Silence filled the room after a short while and when I heard the door closing - assuming that Kyunnie had decided that his hyung slept like a log and would not disturb him - I slowly turned to my other opposite side and took a peek.

Boy, that was one wrong move. Great going, genius.

“Ha! I knew you were awake!” Before I could even properly react, I found myself staring face-to-face with Kyuhyun leaning on my bed. His face was only inches away from mine that I felt his breath passing across my cheeks. Instantly, I felt my heart thumping insanely in my chest. Be still, dammit! “Sungmin-sshi? You okay?”

He was leaning closer… and closer… and-

There were those words again echoing inside my head; a chant that tormented him over and over again. "Sungmin-shhi and Kyuhyun-oppa doesn’t suit each other! Sungmin-sshi’s so childish!"

The next thing that took place after several seconds was something unexpected that even I was taken by surprise and absolute shock.


Kyuhyun dropped on the floor like a motion-less doll. I stared in disbelief and very horrified. My abused hand hurt right after. DID I… JUST HIT HIS FACE? WITH MY HANDS? ACROSS HIS CHEEK?

I immediately sat up on my bed and worriedly checked the familiar lanky body that lay scrambled on the ground. Then I noticed that swollen, red cheek. “Kyu-

“JUST WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!” Kyuhyun yelled; his one hand on his puffy cheek.

Never before in my life had I seen a furious magnae with eyes, usually expressed contentment and joy, now angry and upset yelling at me “IF YOU DIDN’T WANT ME TO WAKE YOU, YOU COULD’VE JUST TOLD ME! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!”

“…because, because you were leaning so close that I-

“WHAT? And you just slapped me because of that?! Hyung, that’s so immature of you!”

And as simple as that… just by hearing those words coming from someone who was related to my current torments… I snapped.

Both him and I snapped.

Still, why was I so greatly affected by all this? Why couldn’t I simply shrug off that one silly comment?

The answer… was unknown.

N/A: So, how was that for starters? Do review, my pretties! Because reviews make little Setsu happy like a kid!

super junior, rating: pg, type: multi-chapter, subject: sungmin, genre: fluff, subject: kyuhyun, !fanfic, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, genre: angst, pairing: kyumin, author: setsuna_k, main/pov: sungmin, genre: romance

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