Post-War Correspondence - Part 1 (H/D, G)

Aug 24, 2007 17:20

Title: Post-War Correspondence - Part 1
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 (x 2 drabbles)
Challenge: hd100's challenges: "rivals" and "fear"
Warnings: *DH spoilers*
Summary: Draco decides to write to Harry after the war.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money ( Read more... )

drabble, hd100, correspondence, h/d

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Comments 11

fab ninjette72 August 25 2007, 00:11:25 UTC
I do hope you'll continue to write these. I love the idea.


Re: fab sesheta_66 August 25 2007, 01:52:43 UTC
Yup - that's the plan. Two letters each time. And thanks - glad you like.


thrnbrooke August 25 2007, 01:40:41 UTC
I sooo can't wait to see how this develops!


sesheta_66 August 25 2007, 01:52:58 UTC
Thanks. Me too!


piratesmile331 August 25 2007, 06:33:10 UTC
Lovely start!
I can't tell you how happy I am every day when I see you've posted something new. I enjoy your fics so much.


sesheta_66 August 25 2007, 06:38:52 UTC
Thanks. *blushes* - you are so sweet!

Ooohh ... did you see? I wrote a PWP! I'm so impressed with myself (not that it's great ... I mean, it's not like I could write jae-hot fics, but new ground, and all that). Yay! *\o/*

Ooh ... and it's wall!sex. Hmmm ... fav of yours? ;)


piratesmile331 August 25 2007, 06:44:35 UTC
*runs off to find*


lackofmendacity August 25 2007, 07:55:16 UTC
Ooh, a correspondence series. *intrigued*

I'm glad the boys are deciding to take a rationale approach and talk. :)


sesheta_66 August 25 2007, 15:55:43 UTC
I'm not nearly as good at talking face-to-face with people when emotions run high, so writing letters always intrigues me. We'll see where it leads.


alaana_fair August 26 2007, 02:42:07 UTC
Okay, I came to find the PWP and found this instead! I really like it. I love correspondence fics, but they're almost always Hogwarts years. This is nice!


sesheta_66 August 26 2007, 02:52:15 UTC
Thanks. I thought it would be a gradual way to work through all their "stuff" before they try actually talking. ;)


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