Good Together (9/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View) (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 10, 2008 01:06

Title: Good Together (9/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 980
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Ginny/Dean
Challenges: For AWDT's two weeks of Valentine quickies, prompt #9 - "Let's go to bed."
Summary: Ginny has a private talk with Harry.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein ( Read more... )

valentine 08, awdt, different view, valentine 2007, h/d

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Comments 35

svgurl February 10 2008, 06:32:39 UTC
Darn it, now I'm on the Ginny bandwagon. At least you fixed her and Harry's relationship. I like it when they're friends. But just friends. Harry belongs to a certain blonde Slytherin. ;)

I like that she gets happiness with Dean. that was cute. She's a rather bold one though, isn't she?

Great update! Can't wait to see what happens next!

... )


sesheta_66 February 10 2008, 06:39:19 UTC
Bold is one way to put it. There's more history there than I've put in this, and there'll be more between them next time. However, these are supposed to be 500 words or less, and I was already pushing double that, so ...

And yeah, I think she and Harry will be okay now.


lijahlover February 10 2008, 07:32:37 UTC
Very good and a terrific last line!:D


sesheta_66 February 10 2008, 08:39:34 UTC
Heh. Thanks.


softly_sweetly February 10 2008, 07:41:12 UTC
*CHEERS* \0/ see, I can be a cheerleader too

Awh, such an awesome installment. Harry and Ginny got evened out, and she finally opened her eyes to Dean *sighs happily*

Just general, incoherent yayness about this *g*


sesheta_66 February 10 2008, 08:40:14 UTC
Hee! A very cute cheerleader too! *winks*

Thanks. :)


takhen February 10 2008, 08:30:33 UTC
Oh poor Dean. "Lets go to bed"??? BOING!! can we say rebound! Oh well maybe it will work out.


sesheta_66 February 10 2008, 08:41:16 UTC
Heh. There's more to the conversation to come ... I just had to keep it short, for word count. It's not as drastic as it may sound/seem. Really. I swear. ;)


takhen February 10 2008, 09:27:35 UTC
Sure, I believe ya :)


sesheta_66 February 10 2008, 09:38:49 UTC
I swear! I've already got it written, but I need the next prompt so I can fit it in. Then all will be clear. :) I hope. ;)

Just think of it as a cliffhanger. Heh.


enchanted_jae February 10 2008, 08:44:04 UTC
Damn, Ginny.


sesheta_66 February 10 2008, 09:05:09 UTC
Heh. Not all is what it seems ... ;)


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