Good Together (9/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View) (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 10, 2008 01:06

Title: Good Together (9/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 980
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Ginny/Dean
Challenges: For AWDT's two weeks of Valentine quickies, prompt #9 - "Let's go to bed."
Summary: Ginny has a private talk with Harry.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all Valentine/08 entries for A Different View, click here.

To see all parts of A Different View, including the Christmas/07 ficlets, click here.

"What did you say?" Ginny asked, stopping mid-stride.

"Nothing," Dean replied. Shit! She wasn't meant to hear that. "Nothing important."

Ginny held Dean's arms and stared up at him. "Dean, are you in love?"

He did his best not to meet her gaze, but nodded.

"Who is she?" Ginny asked. Then, as an afterthought, she added, "Or is it a he?"

"What?" he asked, forgetting not to look at her. "Oh, it's a she alright." He looked into her eyes. "Definitely a she."

"Who is she?" Ginny asked again.

"What does it matter?" Dean said, piercing her with his gaze. "She's in love with someone else." With that, he turned around and headed back to the castle, not bothering to turn around to see if she followed him.


Determined to set things straight, Ginny approached the pair at the end of the day. "Harry, might I have a word?"

"Go on then," he said.

"Alone?" she asked pointedly.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea, Gin."

"I promise not to bite," she offered with a forced smile. She turned to Draco. "No games. I promise."

He gave her a wary look. "I trust Harry, but I don't trust you."

"Fair enough. I know I haven't done anything to deserve it, but I would like to have a few moments to talk to my ex-boyfriend in private."

Draco looked at Harry who shrugged. Draco nodded and said, "I'll meet you out front in ten minutes," leaving the two of them alone.

"What do you want, Gin?" Harry blurted out as soon as Draco left.

"What did you ever see in me?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you are gay - which it seems rather obvious you are - how is it that you were attracted to me? What was it?"

"I don't know. I mean you are attractive, beautiful in fact. But I think it was more about who you are. We knew each other for so long, and I got to know you, so it had to be about more than your looks."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't think I really know myself. It's not that I was trying not to be gay, or fighting away feelings or anything. Sure, I was curious, but I suppose I thought everyone was. I guess the main thing is that your personality is infectious. The love for life that you have, and the way you won't take shit from anyone, and ... I dunno."

"So what changed? What went wrong?"

"When I broke it off with you, I meant what I said. I couldn't stand the thought of Voldemort using you to get to me. I loved you, and I was tired of people that I loved getting hurt or worse."

"You loved me?" she asked. "But you never told me."

"I still do love you, Gin. But I know now that it was never that kind of love. I love you like I love Ron and Hermione. Sure, I was attracted to you, but after we split up, and the three of us took off in search of the Horcruxes, I saw how Ron and Hermione looked at each other, and I thought about us. I think I knew then that it would never work out. You deserved - you do deserve - so much better. You deserve someone who can love you back."

"I saw how you and Draco look at each other." Harry gave her a puzzled look. "I saw you at lunch, out behind the greenhouses. I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful." She turned away, blinking furiously to hold back the tears that were threatening. "You really do love him, don't you?"

"Yeah, I really do."

Taking a deep breath, she turned back to face Harry. "And he really loves you too," she said, sure that it was the truth.

"Yeah, he does." Harry's eyes were sparkling and his smile lit up his entire face.

"Then I'm happy for you, Harry. Really happy for you." She walked up to him and gave him a gentle hug. "You deserve to be happy."

Harry's arms wrapped around her as he pulled her to his chest. "Thanks."

They broke apart, and Ginny wiped a stray tear.



"You should give Dean a chance."

"What do you mean?"

"Dean. I don't think you ever really gave him a chance when you two went out before. I think you could be good together. I know he'd be good for you."


Ginny had sent Harry off to meet Draco, while she took a few minutes to gather her senses. Dean? What was that all about? Why would Harry -- Oh, God!

"Oi, Thomas!" Ginny called as she saw Dean making his way to the edge of the wards to Apparate. "Wait up!"

He stood waiting for her with a sad smile on his face. "Hey, Ginny."

She had spent the time after Harry had left mulling over the past. She had thought about what Harry had said, then replayed the months that they had been working at Hogwarts. She thought back to the days when she and Dean had been going out, and realized that what Harry said was true. She hadn't really given Dean a chance. They had been good together, but she'd only had eyes for Harry. She had been looking for an excuse to break up with him almost from the moment they'd started dating.

Steeling herself for what she was about to do, she marched up to stand in front of Dean. Looking up at him, she placed her hands on either side of his face, and reached up to kiss him softly on the lips. She pulled away to see his half-delighted, half-shocked expression. She smiled back at him and said, "Let's go to bed."

Part 10 - Moving On


valentine 08, awdt, different view, valentine 2007, h/d

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