Too Late (8/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View) (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 09, 2008 04:12

Title: Too Late (8/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 546
Pairing/Characters: Ginny, Dean, Harry/Draco
Challenges: For AWDT's two weeks of Valentine quickies, prompt #8 - "Don't fall in love."
Summary: Ginny sees something she wasn't meant to.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all Valentine/08 entries for A Different View, click here.

To see all parts of A Different View, including the Christmas/07 ficlets, click here.

At lunch the next day, Ginny went for a walk, needing a break from the company of her fellow Gryffindors. At least she had managed to obtain an apology from Seamus, but she still couldn't believe Dean. He actually thought Malfoy deserved an apology?

Worse than Dean was Harry, though. How could he let himself be manipulated by the Slytherin? Stupid Death Eater.

She thought back to what Dean had said, what everyone had said actually, and realized that they were right. Draco was no Death Eater. It was just another calling that he had failed at. But it didn't make him a good person, someone worthy of Harry's love.

Don't fall in love with him, Harry. It can only end badly for you.

She headed back towards the castle, knowing it was nearly time to get back to work. Along the way, she heard voices by the greenhouses. Detouring slightly to investigate, Ginny made her way over as the voices became louder, but words remained indiscernible.

As she peered round the greenhouse, she saw Harry and Malfoy lounging on a blanket, obviously with a warming charm surrounding them. She recognized the effects of Muffliato and knew she wouldn't be able to hear what they were saying. But it didn't stop her watching.

They looked so relaxed together. They were both smiling - she had never seen Malfoy look so at ease - and speaking animatedly. Harry started to laugh at something Malfoy said, then pushed him gently. Malfoy's wand came out, and Ginny reached for hers automatically. But he waved his, and the remains of his and Harry's lunch were repacked in the basket.

She knew she should leave; she shouldn't be standing there, watching this. She knew that her heart was about to break. No, that wasn't right. Her heart was already broken. It was about to be shattered into a million pieces. But still she remained, transfixed by the sight before her.

Harry reached his hand up to cup Draco's face. Draco leaned into his touch and closed his eyes. Harry moved closer and placed his free hand on the other side of his boyfriend's face. Draco opened his eyes and gazed into Harry's with such warmth, such reverence that Ginny would never have imagined him capable. Oh, God.

The two men came together slowly, kissing so tenderly that Ginny wasn't sure if the tears running down her face were of pain or joy. When they pulled apart, she saw the same look that Draco had given him reflected on Harry's face.

As realization hit, Ginny's stomach clenched in protest. She turned around to run back to the castle, only to be caught in the arms of Dean. He looked at her tear-streaked face, then over her shoulder at the scene she had just witnessed, and pulled her against his chest. "It's okay, Ginny. It'll be okay."

She relaxed in his embrace and choked back a sob. "Don't fall in love, Dean."

"What are you talking about?"

"It hurts too much," she explained.

He held her close to him for a little while, giving her time to regain her composure, then led her back inside. Not intending for anyone to hear, he whispered under his breath, "Too late."

Art for 'Too Late' - by house_illrepute

Part 9 - Good Together


valentine 08, awdt, different view, valentine 2007, h/d

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