A Valentine Getaway (6/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View) (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 07, 2008 00:51

Title: A Valentine Getaway (6/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 420
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenges: For AWDT's two weeks of Valentine quickies, prompt #6 - "Dancing in the Moonlight," and slythindor100's challenge #19 (picture of the Eiffel Tower).
Summary: Harry and Draco discuss plans ( Read more... )

valentine 08, awdt, different view, valentine 2007, h/d

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Comments 35

lijahlover February 7 2008, 06:32:53 UTC
Run Harry Run!
Catch Draco and then give him a good tongue lashing!LOL:D


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 06:34:30 UTC
Mmm ... tongue lashing. Mmmm.


lijahlover February 7 2008, 06:38:16 UTC
A thorough tongue lashing is yummy!
I just posted a fic with lots of tongue lashing in it and that's were my brain still is.LOL!:D


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 06:45:00 UTC
Yummy, indeed.


piratesmile331 February 7 2008, 07:49:58 UTC
Draco better watch out, or Harry will decide he'd like to go to a Valentine's party with his friends instead of on a romantic vactaion with him.


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:34:59 UTC
Well, it's possible, but Harry would suffer just as much as Draco would, so ... ;)


winter_june February 7 2008, 09:11:09 UTC
Heheheh, I can almost see Harry catching Draco and showing him he is not only articulate, but able to let people speechless too *go, Harry!*


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:35:41 UTC
Mmmm ... I'm sure he could think of some fun ways to leave Draco speechless. *nods*


nocturnali February 7 2008, 14:31:53 UTC
Go to Adelaide, it's amazingly pretty. Except we are having a drought right now and much of the greenery is brown.
The beaches are nice though... romantic. ; )

Great lines at the end!


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:37:14 UTC
Somehow, I don't think they'll be too worried about the greenery. ;)

Thanks, hon.


gurliemoviegeek February 7 2008, 15:07:28 UTC
Someplace where we can go dancing under the moonlight and make love under the stars.


Now, go get him, Harry! I wonder what kind of delicious torture Harry can come up with to make Draco pay!!!


*dances off with a dazed smile*


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:39:59 UTC
Oooh! Always good to leave a reader dancing off with a dazed smile. :D


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