A Valentine Getaway (6/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View) (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 07, 2008 00:51

Title: A Valentine Getaway (6/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 420
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenges: For AWDT's two weeks of Valentine quickies, prompt #6 - "Dancing in the Moonlight," and slythindor100's challenge #19 (picture of the Eiffel Tower).
Summary: Harry and Draco discuss plans ( Read more... )

valentine 08, awdt, different view, valentine 2007, h/d

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Comments 35

idontgiveafaux February 7 2008, 16:51:45 UTC
just had a catch up of this! as much as i found the jealous shrew comment funny, i enjoyed the chapter between dean and ginny and especially liked it when dean was sticking up for her against the others. i thought that was sweet and hope it can be resolved from the end :)

and harry was so cute in this! that beautiful speech was lovely and romantic but trust draco to ruin a perfectly good moment ;) :P


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:44:37 UTC
Thanks. I just posted the next part and it has Ginny & Dean rejoining the other Gryffs. I'm planning to have some resolution by the end of the set of Valentine quickies.

Well, Harry was getting a bit on the mushy side. :D


lackofmendacity February 7 2008, 17:03:00 UTC
Ahahahaha, Draco has a good point, you know. *g*

But yay, they're going travelling together! *is excited* :D


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:49:53 UTC
Aww ... *pets Harry* He really can be articulate. *nods* And romantic.

Mmm ... now I just need to figure out where they're going. I've received two suggestions and have a thought of my own. *ponders*


felaine February 7 2008, 17:10:34 UTC
Draco deserves whatever Harry does to him, but he's right.

Hawaii; our boys on a black sand beach wearing leis and big smiles...

*fans self*
Good story; complex and interesting.


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:51:12 UTC
Hee! Somehow I think they'll both have a bit of fun when Harry catches up to him. :)

I've never been there, but my sister leaves tomorrow. *is jealous*



thrnbrooke February 7 2008, 17:32:07 UTC
Oh tooo wonderful!


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:51:36 UTC
Thanks, hon.


kaykayen February 7 2008, 17:32:33 UTC
LMAO! I hope Draco can run fast!

Draco's adorable when he's babbling about places to go and Harry's response was lovely!


sesheta_66 February 7 2008, 18:52:10 UTC
Yeah, but he'll have more fun once he gets caught. ;)



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