The Rain Will Fall - "Rain" prompt

Feb 10, 2007 09:53

Title: The Rain Will Fall
Author: sesheta_66
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 3096
Rating: Adult
Challenge: "Rain" for hd_angst and 100quills
Warning: Character deaths (not Harry or Draco) and ANGST.
Summary: Harry hates the rain. He reflects on a few of the reasons why.
Disclaimer: HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

Harry looked out the kitchen window ... )

hd_angst, 100quills, angst, h/d

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Comments 32

whatitistoburn1 February 10 2007, 16:33:28 UTC
Wow. I'm crying. The way you described Ron's death got me enough but it was so stark and final and final and beautifully written.

I loved this story so much. Just perfect.


sesheta_66 February 10 2007, 16:43:43 UTC
Thanks so much for your beautiful words. Much appreciated. ♥

Truth be told, I am pretty pleased with how it turned out myself *grins sheepishly* so I'm glad you enjoyed it too.

*hands you tissue* I cried too. Quite a bit, actually.


athenaps February 10 2007, 18:10:40 UTC
Stupid Draco! This...deserves a sequel...because...yes. It does. :)

Lovely work


sesheta_66 February 10 2007, 18:27:12 UTC
Thank you. Not sure about a sequel ... although I want to know what happens now, too!


clairie_poo February 10 2007, 18:20:27 UTC
This was so amazing. I am crying now, but it's well deserved. I want to be selfish and ask for a sequel because it's so good, but I know that it's a one shot. Nevertheless, it's FRICKING AMAZING and very believable.


sesheta_66 February 10 2007, 18:29:50 UTC

Wow! Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it. As for a sequel, I too want to know what happens next, but I also liked where this ended, so we'll see.

*hands you a tissue* - Must go out & buy more, because I used a lot when writing this.


jean_c_pepper February 10 2007, 19:16:06 UTC
You can't just leave it like that. I have to throw my voice in n a sequel, too. That was SO sad!


sesheta_66 February 10 2007, 19:21:00 UTC
But ... but ... it was supposed to be ANGST. *ponders a sequel*

*nudges* - Did you see my prompt? Hmmm?


kodak_moment February 10 2007, 19:42:41 UTC
Well, shit.

I'm not crying because my brother in the room and then I would have to explain why I am crying and that could get awkward, but oh god that was excruciating. It was wonderful, I mean, you are brilliant at invoking emotion in your readers, painful emotion, but no less satisfying. It was very well written, simple and not overdone sentimentality, you have a very delicate touch with TEH ANGST. I won't ask for a sequel, because, er I'm a masochist apparently and anyway I just love how unresolved this is, not everything is meant to end neatly.

Ok I may have to go and cry in the bathroom now. I blame this on pms obviously.


ps: also the sex flashback was hot.


sesheta_66 February 10 2007, 23:40:17 UTC
*slips you tissues around the corner so your brother doesn't see*

you are brilliant at invoking emotion in your readers
*blushes* Thanks so much. ♥ ♥

I just love how unresolved this is, not everything is meant to end neatly.
That's how I thought of this piece, even though I want to know what happens too.

I blame this on pms obviously.
But of course!


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