Post-War Correspondence - Part 3 (H/D, G)

Oct 17, 2007 19:00

Title: Post-War Correspondence - Part 3 - Without Magic
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 (x 2 drabbles)
Challenges: hd100's prompt of "magic."
Summary: Draco asks Harry about living without magic.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this ( Read more... )

drabble, hd100, correspondence, h/d

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Comments 2

charmed310 October 18 2007, 03:15:49 UTC

No effing idea where that one came from, but I take full responsibility for being a spaz and actually typing it.


sesheta_66 October 18 2007, 04:01:41 UTC
You always crack me up, hon! Glad you liked.


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