Post-War Correspondence - Part 3 (H/D, G)

Oct 17, 2007 19:00

Title: Post-War Correspondence - Part 3 - Without Magic
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 (x 2 drabbles)
Challenges: hd100's prompt of "magic."
Summary: Draco asks Harry about living without magic.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Author's note: Part of a series of one-shots, each standing alone.

If you'd like to play catch-up, Click here for part 1.


What was it like to grow up without magic? I know I teased you about it before, so I'll understand if you don't want to answer. But the more I think about things, the more I want to know. Yes, even about Muggles. I never took Muggle Studies at Hogwarts, so all I really know is what my father told me, and … well … I suspect he may have been less than truthful when it comes to the subject.

Was it terrible? How did you feel once you found out you could do magic?

Interested to know,


To tell the truth, I didn't know any better, so it wasn't that bad living without magic. Muggles have a lot of things that help them get things done, like electricity and such. It isn't all that much more difficult to manage, though I'd imagine it was awful before they discovered it.

Living with Muggles isn't bad, but living with the Dursleys was a nightmare. I had chores to do - lots of Muggle children do. But I reckon I had a lot more than most. It was a little bit like being a house elf, I suppose.


Part 4

drabble, hd100, correspondence, h/d

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