Gifts of the Past - Part 14A of A Different View

Dec 27, 2007 05:13

Title: Gifts of the Past (14A/15 of A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1222
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenges: AWDT's prompt of "Don We Now Our Gay Apparel," and my GJ 100_prompts entry #027 - "spaces".
Summary: Harry and Draco exchange their Christmas presents.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all parts of A Different View, click here.

Draco looked at the large present Harry handed him with apprehension. "What is it?"

Harry chuckled. "Open it and find out." Harry was more nervous about it than Draco was. He had, as usual, acted on impulse, thinking of the idea and running with it. Now he only hoped Draco appreciated it, rather than … well, he hoped it didn't backfire. He sat on the edge of his seat, anxiously watching Draco open his gift.

Draco tore the paper off slowly to reveal a painting. His face went blank, his jaw dropped open, and he stared at Harry. "You … you did this?"

Harry chortled nervously. "No," he replied. At Draco's confused look, he continued. "I can't even draw stick people. Dean painted it. I told him what I wanted, gave him sample photographs, and he did the hard part."

"But ... Harry ... you did this ... for me?"

Harry was hoping this was a good reaction, but he couldn't tell. Draco's face looked shocked, and Harry wasn't quite sure if it was good shock or bad shock. "It's a Muggle painting, so they don't move." Besides the subject matter itself, this was the other thing that Harry had been worried about. "Do you ... like it?" he asked hesitantly.

"No," Draco replied softly, running his hand over the features of the painting.

"No?" Harry asked, his heart sinking. Damn! He thought --

"I love it, Harry." Draco looked up at him with a hint of unshed tears shimmering in his eyes. "I can't believe you did this for me!"

Relieved, Harry smiled brightly. "I told you, it was all Dean."

"No it wasn't, Harry. You thought of it. You knew how much this would mean to me. Not to mention the fact that you got someone who hates me to paint this. I'm ... I'm speechless." He carefully put the painting down to give Harry a kiss. The ferocity of it took Harry's breath away, as Draco poured his gratitude and appreciation into action rather than words. "Thank you," he whispered.

"Dean doesn't hate you, Draco. Not any more," Harry assured him. "I wasn't sure how you would react, because ... well, because so many of them are gone now."

Harry had asked Professor McGonagall for a listing of all Slytherins from their year, and he'd asked Dennis Creevey to look through Colin's collection of photographs from Hogwarts so that he could compile a complete collage of student pictures for Dean to work from. Harry had further asked that those from the Quidditch team be dressed in Quidditch robes, and the rest in standard house robes.

In the front row, just as Harry had requested, Dean had painted Draco in the centre, holding onto a broom and a snitch, with his prefect pin visible on his chest. By his sides, as they had so often been in school, were Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode and Blaise Zabini rounded out the row. The rest of his year of Slytherin house were painted in the rows behind. At the very back of the group stood Severus Snape, and the backdrop was the Slytherin Common Room.

"Harry, I have very few photographs from my time at school, and none with my entire year. And Snape - you even had him include Snape! My God, it's perfect." He gave Harry another heartfelt kiss, then handed Harry his gift.

"Now, open yours," Draco instructed.

Harry tore open his gift with much less grace than Draco, eager to see what his new boyfriend - he still couldn't get over the fact that Draco was his boyfriend - had bought for him. He removed the wrapping to uncover two books inside, front covers turned inward. As he turned the first around to reveal the titles, his breath caught and a wave of emotion washed over him.

"Both of them? But how?"

"Well, the Potter family was relatively easy for me to trace, and preparing a book on your father's family just took a bit of time. But the Evans family ... well, that took a bit of work."

"You didn't contact my Aunt Petunia, did you?"

"No. Frankly, I don't think I would be able to control my temper around her and your uncle, so I thought it best not to bother. A death in the family, however welcome it may be, isn't the best thing to have happen at Christmas."

Harry grinned. "Thanks for that. I'm sure Dudley's glad his parents are still around to buy him mounds of gifts for years to come." He put down the books and pulled Draco into his arms. "And thank you for the books. They're wonderful. I can't think of a more thoughtful gift." Harry kissed Draco with the same energy Draco had kissed him with before.

As they broke apart, Draco added, "There are a lot of blank spaces yet to be filled in. I only had time to get some information so far, especially on your mother's side, but I have letters out there, awaiting replies. I thought perhaps" - he looked hopefully at Harry - "we could do some of the investigating together in the new year."

Harry smiled. "I can't think of anything I'd rather do than spend more time with you."

"Speaking of spending more time together, we still have almost an hour before we have to be at the Manor. Any thoughts on how we could spend the time?" He gave Harry an innocent look which didn't fool him in the least.

"Oh, I can think of a few things," he said, laying Draco down on the sofa, pressing his lips to Draco's and kissing him deeply. Harry stretched out beside Draco, caressing his cheek and gazing into his eyes. "I know this sounds crazy, and it's all so new, but ... I think I'm falling in love with you."

Draco smiled and pulled Harry in for another kiss. When he pulled away, Draco smiled again, his eyes sparkling. "It doesn't sound crazy at all, Harry. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm already in love with you."

Harry's mouth covered Draco's, much less gently than their previous kisses had been. Their tongues fought for dominance, teeth grazed and nibbled at flesh, and their breathing and heart rates sped up. Harry reached under Draco's shirt, his hand caressing the skin, grazing over a nipple, and Draco let out a groan.

Deck the halls with boughs of holly! The doorbell rang. Fa la la la la, la la la la!

'Tis the season to be jolly! There was a knock at the door. Fa la la la la, la la la la!

Don we now our gay apparel ... They let out exasperated sighs as Harry got up to answer the door. Fa la la, la la la, la la la!

Troll the ancient Yuletide carol!Harry ran a hand through his hair and reached for the doorknob. Fa la la la la, la la la la!

Harry opened the door, ready to shoo the carollers away, only to be faced with ten shiny, happy young faces, beaming and singing. He felt Draco come up behind him, wrap his arms around his waist and rest his chin on Harry's shoulder.

Ah, well, Harry thought. Maybe there'll be time after dinner.

Part 14B - A Private Word


100_prompts, awdt, different view, gift, h/d

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