Private Celebration - Part 13 of A Different View

Dec 24, 2007 05:42

Title: Private Celebration (13/15 of A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 730
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenges: AWDT's prompt of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," and my GJ 100_prompts entry #026 - "Thousand".
Summary: Harry gets a welcomed visit.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all parts of A Different View, click here.

Their lips came together as though they had always been meant to do this. There was nothing else in the world right at that moment, no one but the two of them, at first floating, then gradually sinking, drowning in the feeling of each other. Their tongues swirled and danced together as though they had done it a thousand times before, moving smoothly, effortlessly. It was perfect, and Harry never wanted it to end.

It was the day before Christmas, but Harry couldn't get that day, or that kiss, out of his mind. He and Draco had been dancing around their feelings for ... well, not so long, really, but it felt like years. In fact, it probably had been years. They had only just recently become friends, though, and their feelings had come to the forefront.

Their kiss haunted his dreams and invaded his thoughts wherever he went. Work at Hogwarts had ceased for the holidays, and Harry was left feeling bereft. That kiss was a reminder of the last time he had seen Draco, and he missed him terribly. The longer they were apart, the more he worried that it had been a mistake.

Harry didn't regret it; in fact, he couldn't wait to get the snarky Slytherin in his arms again and snog him senseless. But he was concerned that Draco didn't feel the same way, that he had somehow misinterpreted the signs. He desperately wanted - needed to know that things were still okay between them. Although the memory of that kiss made Harry shiver with desire, he would gladly trade that if it meant that he would lose the friendship, that closeness that he and Draco had developed.

He didn't want to call Draco, for fear that he would appear too needy, too pushy. But it was Christmas Eve, and he longed to see him. He had a gift to give Draco that he hoped wouldn't push him even further away. He'd wait another hour before Flooing over to the Manor, his gift an excuse.

As time ticked by, Harry's frustration was getting the better of him, and his nerves were shot. "Dammit!" he yelled as he kicked a kitchen cabinet.

"Taken to abusing the furniture, Harry?" He heard Draco's voice calling from the hall. "What did the cupboard do to offend you?"

It was all Harry could do not to run over and take Draco in his arms. Instead, he opted to give him a smile. "I was wondering if I would see you today," he said hesitantly.

"Yes, well, I had hoped to hear from you, what with you being the brave and chivalrous Gryffindor and all that, but I decided to take matters into my own hands if I hadn't heard from you by now."

Harry grinned. "I was giving you another half hour, and then I was going to show up at the Manor."

Draco smiled at him, looking happy and a little bit relieved. "I had thought that perhaps I scared you away, you know, pushed too hard."

Harry gave him a sheepish grin. "I thought the same thing."

"Well, now we've established that we're both a couple of idiots ..."

Harry closed the distance between them in three strides, and pulled Draco into his arms, pressing his lips softly against Draco's, something he'd longed to do since they'd parted. Once again, when their tongues met, it was like coming home, like it was meant to be. The overwhelming feeling of contentment mixed with passion overwhelmed Harry, and he pulled back to catch his breath and his bearings. "Wow," he said.

"I have to agree," Draco grinned.

"Will you stay for supper?"

"I was going to invite you to the Manor for Christmas dinner."

"Oh," Harry said, touched at the gesture. "Thanks, but I'll be going to the Burrow tomorrow."

Draco frowned. "With the she-weasel?" he asked incredulously.

"No. They're my family, Draco, the only family I've ever had. It has nothing to do with Ginny."

"Oh," Draco replied, somewhat appeased. "Well, it just so happens that we celebrate the night before Christmas, so that would be tonight."

"Oh," Harry replied. "Oh! Then yes. I'd very much like to join you."

"Good. That's settled then."

"But Draco?"


"Could we have our own private celebration before we go?"

Draco beamed at Harry. "I'd love nothing more."

Part 14A - Gifts of the Past


100_prompts, awdt, different view, h/d

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