When You Think of Me - Part 12B of A Different View

Dec 23, 2007 13:29

Title: When You Think Of Me (12B/15 of A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 550
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenges: AWDT's prompt of "Candy Canes," and my GJ 100_prompts entry #033 - "Command".
Summary: Draco sees an opportunity and takes it.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all parts of A Different View, click here.

"I thought our tree could use a little extra adornment," Harry said when Draco asked what the candy canes were for.

"Our tree?" Draco asked, inexplicably pleased that Harry thought of his tree as theirs. Draco did too, but he hadn't dared ... hadn't dreamed that Harry would have felt the same way. Silly, really, it was just a tree. Draco's mind was just reading too much into nothing.

"Of course, our tree. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even have a tree. You helped me find it, cut it down, bring it in, set it up and decorate it. It's as much your tree as it is mine." Harry flashed Draco another of his endearing smiles. "Every time I look at it, I think of you."

Draco's insides fluttered and his heart started pounding. He looked at Harry, whose cheeks had flushed a delicious shade of pink. Harry quickly turned round to prepare the tea.

Draco was fighting between the urge to make some sort of move, and the instinct not to make a fool out of himself. He thought back over the time since he'd found the letter, back to every conversation, all the laughs, and their growing closeness. He knew how he felt about Harry, but were the feelings reciprocated? Harry had joked with him, even flirted with him; Draco had never seen him do that with any of his other friends, not even Hermione.

Harry had said himself that he felt close to Draco. Then when they were at the Manor, in the gardens, Draco had felt something. When Harry had looked directly at him and said he'd never seen anything so beautiful, Draco had felt as though Harry had meant him, not the sunset.

He had a choice. He could sit here and do nothing, which would accomplish just that - nothing. He could ask Harry outright what he felt, but that could, and likely would scare him away. Or he could be more forward, but still be able to brush it off as a joke if Harry didn't react the way he wanted.

Well, there was nothing else for it. The Slytherin in him knew what to do, although, much to his dismay, he did have to call on his inner Gryffindor to take command. He wouldn't be admitting that to anyone, not even Harry.

He steeled himself for rejection, got up from the table and stepped up behind Harry, who was so busy fussing with the tea that he hadn't noticed Draco's approach. Draco leaned in, careful not to touch Harry, but to breath in his ear as he whispered, "And what exactly do you think of when you think of me, Harry?"

Harry's breath caught, and his body stilled, but he didn't say anything. Not to be dissuaded so easily, Draco ran his hands up Harry's arms, and rested them on his shoulders. "Tell me, Harry. What do you think of?" he asked again, turning Harry to face him.

Their eyes met, and Draco was sure he saw his own desire mirrored in the green depths before him. Harry's hands reached up to cup Draco's face, and he leaned in, only a breath away, and whispered, "This," before closing the gap and bringing their lips together in a searing kiss.

Part 13 - Private Celebration


100_prompts, awdt, different view, h/d

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