Kicked Out - Part 6 of A Different View

Dec 16, 2007 02:02

Title: Kicked Out (6/? of A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 566
Pairing/Characters: Harry, Draco, Ginny
Challenges: AWDT's prompt of "Snooping for Presents" and my GJ 100_prompts entry #047 - "Flame".
Summary: Harry really ought to lock his Floo.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all parts of A Different View, click here.

Late the next morning, Harry was startled by someone arriving by Floo. "Draco?" he called from the kitchen, wondering if he had forgotten something.

"No, it's not Draco," Ginny's voice called from the other room. The name was practically spit out.

"Gin? What are you doing here?" Harry asked as he entered the sitting room.

"Oh, so Malfoy is welcome here and I'm not?" she asked incredulously.

"No, it's just --"

"It's just that he's the only person you talk to these days, so you weren't expecting anyone else?"

Harry scowled at her, although he wasn't sure that was an entirely inaccurate statement. "I don't know of anyone that would just show up, and since he was the last one here, I thought he might have left something."

"Right." She didn't sound convinced. "So what happened to you last night? Why did you just take off ... with him?"

"You tell me. Why must everyone make him feel like scum?"

"Maybe because he is scum," Ginny spat. "I just don't know why you don't see it."

Harry tried to control his anger, but last night's scene swam before his eyes again. "It seems to me he was the only one at the table acting like a human being."

"Oh, sure! Take his side. I'm sure he couldn't wait to cry the blues to you, tell you how horrible we all were for laughing at Seamus's Death Eater jokes, and Ron's ferret comments, and for throwing in some Dementer's Kiss comments. Well, he deserved it all!"

"Actually, he didn't tell me anything. He told me it didn't matter, and that he probably deserved it all and more. Satisfied?"

Ginny looked momentarily confused, before she changed tactic. "Harry," she purred as she closed the distance between them, waving her wand and conjuring some mistletoe to hover over their heads. "Why do you keep spending valuable time with him anyway? You know," she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his, "when you could be spending that time with me?" As she leaned in for a kiss, the Floo sounded again, and Draco's head appeared in the flames.

"Um ... sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt," he said and promptly disappeared.

"You really should lock that," Ginny giggled. "Now, where were we?"

Harry pulled out of her embrace. "We need to talk."

"Draco? Draco, are you here?" Harry called from the Floo at Malfoy Manor.

"Master Draco is in his room. I is getting him for you."

Harry stepped into the room, and a shudder ran through him, the memories of the last time he had been here flooding back.

"What do you want, Potter?" Draco asked as he entered the room looking surly.

"Would you mind if we talked about this at my place? I'm still a bit --"

"You looked rather busy last I checked. Won't the she-weasel be upset?"

Harry let out a big sigh. He really didn't want to talk here. "I told her it's over, for good. Now will you come with me?"

"So what did you want to talk about?" Draco asked as they arrived at Grimmauld Place.

"You Floo-called this morning. What did you want?"

"I needed to get away, and didn't know where else to go."

"What do you mean?"

"I got kicked out."

"What?! What for?"

Draco looked at him sheepishly. "I was snooping for presents."

Part 6B - Relieved


100_prompts, awdt, different view, harrylovesdraco, h/d

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