The Dark Knight

Jul 26, 2008 11:59

Wow... this. This was the best thing Heath could have done before dying. That sounds horrible, but it's not. This is BatmanThis was the best 19 bucks I've ever spent in my life. No really, better than cigarettes... I went down the street to get tickets for a 7:30 showing and the line was wrapped around the parking lot. I have never seen so many ( Read more... )

movies, heath ledger

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Comments 11

ohmygodmuffin July 26 2008, 16:56:30 UTC
I saw it with my mom at like 10:30 the other night--she thought it was too long, and I see that criticism, but I was hanging on to EVERY MOMENT because every new thing that happened was Yeah. The performances were all so good. Like...every time I see a picture of Heath Ledger, I think of the transformation that had to happen for him to become the Joker, and it is amazing. That man. THAT MAN.


sesemperamabo July 26 2008, 17:05:00 UTC
I know, Devin. I KNOW. Jesus. I know. XD

Oh shit, would you like to hang out with me/possibly see Hellboy/watch me get a tattoo? One or all or whatever XD


ohmygodmuffin July 26 2008, 18:57:51 UTC
I would like to!
I will come online, haha.


lovemyfaceoff July 26 2008, 17:01:37 UTC
I saw it with my friend yesterday and she started crying at the end just because it was so great. She grabbed me and was, "I want to watch it again right now!" and randomly while I was talking to her last night she just stopped and went, "BATMAN WAS SO GOOD. I CAN'T EVEN."

Anyway this was a very great review. You're good at that.
This movie was completely amazing in every way and Heath Ledger's performance was the best I have seen out of any actor in a very very long time. It was so brilliant. The Jokers has always been my favorite of the Batman villains. Maybe my favorite super villain from any comic actually.
"I'm like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one! I things."
That sums up just why I love the Joker. My favorite kind of villain. The kind that has no reason. The kind that is just there. And he played it perfectly. And Nolan wrote it perfectly.


sesemperamabo July 26 2008, 17:06:00 UTC
I agree with all of that XD Wholeheartedly XDD

And thanks I try <3


(The comment has been removed)

sesemperamabo July 26 2008, 17:07:05 UTC
Oh god, yes! *shudders*


sweetfacedlion July 26 2008, 17:38:45 UTC


sesemperamabo July 26 2008, 21:41:30 UTC


megmatthews20 July 26 2008, 19:56:40 UTC
I was totally waiting for you to post a lovely review on this film, knowing how much you love Heath and all. :)

It really was all the things you said. GOD I hope Heath wins an Oscar for this because he is more than incredibly deserving of one!

I really did not see Rachel's death coming...and I'm not sure why, but the moment Batman accidentally saves Harvey instead I went OMGWTF! I mean...I knew Harvey would live, but I didn't realize Rachel would die!

This is a great review to a brilliant movie!



sesemperamabo July 26 2008, 21:40:30 UTC
I know I didn't put it together either!! I thought the police would save Harvey you know, half way and Rachel would make it somehow... But it was so much better this way even though sad to the max D:

Thanks for reading, dear! <33


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