Mar 16, 2010 13:27

Only by bringing together the Nine,
will the Tenth Sister be summoned.

the  S U M M O N E R

the Circle of Ten

{ THE O'BRIEN FAMILY }  Upon first glance the O'Brien family seems like any other.  A single mother, a strong-willed daughter.  Nevermind that tragedy seems to follow them around wherever they go, middle-aged Grace already twice widowed and family pets never having a long life expectancy.  They seem, for all intents and purposes, happy enough.  What lurks outside their door at night, they'll never know.

Grace (the Tenth) is nobody in particular.  Born in the Midwest and now living in the suburbs of Boston with her daughter, Moore, she teaches grade school and yoga on weekends and practices some of the basics of Wicca -- not nearly enough to consider herself a witch, but that's exactly what Grace is.  And not just any witch, but the Tenth: a legendary figure in the annals of magic rumored to possess power greater than any witch before and after.  Dormant within her, the power of the Tenth remains sleeping, only to be woken by the summoning of her 'sisters', called the Nine.  However, until that day comes (if it ever does) it's just business as usual.

Moore (the Guardian) grew up like most other kids her age, though the death of her father at a young age left her a little more cynical and a little more mouthy than most.  Stubborn, strong-willed, and painfully honest at times, her life took a sharp turn when her step-father Shawn passed away and began visiting her in her dreams.  Now, armed with the knowledge that her mother Grace is the infamous 'Tenth' as well as the power to protect her, it is Moore's responsibility to keep all harm from her family and Grace in the dark about what she truly is.  Her magic is focused mostly within the realms of deception and concealment, though it is the Guardian's responsibility to learn offensive magic as well.

Shawn (the Fallen)  Descended from a long line of witches sworn to protect the identity and safety of the Tenth in her endless line of lives, Shawn O'Brien was meant to simply befriend Grace but instead ended up falling in love with her, ultimately marrying her.  His age had been a perpetual sticking point between himself and his stubborn  new step-daughter and their relationship never quite resolved itself until after his death, having been died somewhat ignobly under the wheels of a drunk driver.  With the line of guardians broken, his soul refused to carry on to whatever follows after life.  Instead, he haunted his step-daughter Moore until she swore to take up where he had left off.    To this day he visits both women in their dreams to offer comfort and guidance.

the T E N T H

the  G U A R D I A N

the  F A L L E N

the Sisters of Creation

{ REALITY BENDERS } The Sisters of Creation embody the cycle that all things in existence turn upon: the beginning, the middle, and the end.  Their abilities manifest as the ability to create something out of nothing, the ability to manipulate the substance of reality, and the ability to destroy completely.

Katana (the Beginning) was the first of the Nine Sisters to be captured, despite the best efforts of her familiar Wakizashi to prevent this fate.  Given that she has lived the longest under Elliott's thumb, she is the most accepting of their fate and uses her abilities to bring into existence both the very good and the bad.  She considers herself an agent of balance, though she represents only the start of the cycle; for every positive thing she brings into existence, Katana creates something equally horrible.  It is rumored that she created her companion, the familiar Wakisashi; later, she would create Little Hannah's familiar for her -- a woman molded after the little girl's image, known simply as Big Hannah.

Lily (the Middle) is arguably the most powerful of all of the Nine Sisters, given that she is able to reshape the fabric of existence.  Most of this power, however, is still only potential as opposed to actual.  The responsibilities of having abilities like hers weighs heavily on her and, more often than not, she finds herself over-thinking the ramifications of the things she'd like to do rather than actually doing them.  She is known among the house as the one with the most clearly defined and idealistic opinions on wrong and right; as a result, she raises issue with Elliott most frequently as far as what they are all doing here.

Noni (the End) (played by Noodles) is unique in that hers is the only magic that can do nothing but destroy.  A powerful weapon in the right hands, Noni is far too flighty and absentminded to ever put it to good or bad use.  More preoccupied with the immediate and the petty as opposed to the long-term and grand, she's most likely to use her powers to unmake the lid to the jar of olives she can't seem to open.  She is the least respected out of all of the Sisters, but it never seems to bother her, given how flaky she is.  Get on her bad side, though, and she'll make your life hell.

the  B E G I N N I N G

the  M I D D L E

the  E N D

a   F A M I L I A R

the Sisters of Time

{ SEERS } Unlike the Sisters of Creation and Man, the Sisters of Time are different in that their powers do not actively effect the world around them.  Instead, they have been granted the ability to see what was, what is, and what will be; as a result, all three are capable of varying forms of omniscience, given their realm of dominion. 

Josie May;
the  P A S T

the  P R E S E N T

the  F U T U R E

a   F A M I L I A R
the Sisters of Man

{ PUPPETMASTERS } The Sisters of Man, like the Sisters of Creation, are also manipulators, but instead of holding sway over the fabric of creation, they are able to exercise control over their fellow man and his various aspects -- the body, the mind, and the soul.  Actual sisters in real life, raised in a family of witches whose roots have been steeped heavily in the ways of magic, each sister has given their individual discipline an impressive amount of study; their powers only work by way of rites and ritual and the use of reagents, similar to traditional Vodou practices.

Little Hannah (the Body) is the youngest but the most powerful of the three and, of the Nine is second only to Lily.  The most preternaturally disposed to magic of her family, she is capable of healing a man or turning his insides to jelly.  Still very much a child, the only true discipline she exercises is in the carrying out of rites; who she uses her powers on, however, depends on her given mood.  Much like the way a kid will pull the wings off of a fly, she's been known to try things simply to see if she can do them.  Out of all of the sisters, she is the most fanatically dedicated to Elliott, looking to him as a surrogate father.  Jealous of Katana's familiar, Wakisashi, she asked the Sister of Creation to make her her own, which lead to the 'birth' of Big Hannah.  Hannah's sister Vivian is responsible for evolving Big Hannah's sentience; as a result the familiar is an embodiment of what Vivian hopes Little Hannah will become when she is older.

Vivian (the Mind) is the oldest of the sisters and is the only witch to use her powers exclusively for personal benefit.  In control of magicks that allow her to see and manipulate the minds of others, she can easily erase and rewrite a man's memories, convince him of false truths, and drive him mad.  Her  personality is cool and poised and as manipulative as her abilities.  The only people she will not use her powers on, full stop, are her blood sisters, though she never spares them her sharp tongue.

Cora (the Soul) is the most soft-spoken of the three and the most reluctant to use her magic unless completely necessary.  A witch with a heart of gold, dominion over the soul allows Cora access to other people's emotions, which she can alter, enhance, change, or switch off completely given the circumstances.  Because of her powers, Cora is easily the most empathetic of all of the Nine Sisters, though she separates those emotions from what she knows are the responsibilities of wielding great power.

Little Hannah;
the  B O D Y

the  M I N D

the  S O U L

Big Hannah;
a   F A M I L I A R

c :: big hannah, !character listing, verse :: the witches, c :: little hannah, !player :: noodles

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