Title: White Butterfly Sidestory for Clueless Psycho
Viewfinder Crossover
Author: Seraphim Grace
Feedback: Always appreciated and replied to.
Rating: 18.
Pairings: This drabble - Asami x Akihito
Warnings: adult scenes, adult situations
The boy was a gift from the empress as reward for services rendered. )
Comments 17
*hugs & smiles*
I recently reread Okane ga nai and Viewfinder and came to the conclusion Asami has ultimate Seme pheromones causing all men to just give in and Ayase has ultimate uke pheromones (causing anyone with a hint of seme immediately tries to rape him) if you crossed the two I think the universe would end
i left it often because then I can always go back to it, the universe is becoming more fun than the main story, but their sex wouldn't be too kinky, I've got Hakkai/Kou for that
I'm at lost of words to compliment this fic, but you know me, I worship you.
This could be the background of Shadowy Waters I've been trying to figure out for months *laughs*
You're total awesomeness *glomps hard*
and he does wear a bridle in the first chapter.
did you know that there is a VF anime coming, just saying
I do request prompts every now and again and anything goes, this was one
3rd bar ws too but it kinda took over my life
there;s three VF stories
one about tension, one about drinking and this one
If it isn't too much, any link to the other VF stories? I really liked this one. :D
and the other one
they're just drabbles
but I have to point out that the other one is for a series called white butterfly which is set in medieval japan and the rule is that any series contemporary with Weiss can appear, so they're not all quite the same
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