For everyone out there who is having sex. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use condoms! Shower and pee after the act too! That way there will be no more Neusseria or Chlamydia examples I have to sit through! Thank you. ::dies of total revulsion:: I had to sit through an *HOUR* of disgusting dirty porn. And I do mean dirty. Infection this, excudate that
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I'm going to go ahead and agree with my classmate, Patrick. Medical school is just burdensome. They took out all the fun in it. At least for the first two years. Reason
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I *love, Love, LOVE* how the comma and the correct use of words become obsolete when you attach three letters and a period (P, H, D, and .)to the end of your name
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My parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation to my lower abdominals are going haywire! They can't decide if I have a stomach-ache or need to pee or need to do the *other*. It's payback, I swear... for all the binge-studying-eating I have been doing....
One more test. Can't take the pharmaceutical pill yet, no pill yet . . . have to wait until the caffeine and sugar slowly diffuse out of my body. BTW - coffee is a good diuretic o_O;;, apparently. I can literally feel Every. Single. Cell. pinging inside my skin. It's like eebie-jeebies on speed. ::Remind me that I need to write about the
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I fell asleep studying again last night. Actually I'm not quite sure how I did it. Last I remember was moving to the futon to stop from schlumping over my desk listening to taped lecture of a microbiologist who believes we will have stylus for fingers in 2000 years, then waking up at 5:30 am. Somehow I was laying down on top of several books on
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