Title: Notbroken
Summary: Two years after the events in "Calendar Girl," Chloe finds herself days from beginning her final year at SCU when Oliver suddenly returns to Star City. But between balancing her ambitions, school, and her investigative tendencies towards the new vigilantes in town, Chloe finds herself struggling to choose the life she wants
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Comments 17
That archery scene was so perfect. You could feel the raw intensity of their attraction and desire, and its so relieving after everything they've been through, and the trials they've faced--I'm so grateful you left that scene in and let us see this moment between them.
Now at the same time, your twist/cliffhanger made my head spin. Even with your clues and being your beta reader I have no idea how to explain how much you surprised me, other than to say you're amazing ♥
And absolutely too good to me <3 I can't wait for more =)
Weird enough, I actually thought of putting that scene in October/November, but the Cupid comment moved it to V-day... and I figured it would be better when they were single.
*grins* Just wait until you see what I've got planned next...
I loved the Valentine's Day archery lesson, and the ending... awesome! I can't wait to see how Tess taking over for Lex plays out.
This chapter was amazing hun, I'm dying to see what happens in March! =)
March is about half written, but I'm working on April because I just figured out its plotline and I want to keep updates as close together as possible. That being said... I'll do my best to get it up soon.
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Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment though.
The archery lesson scene was absolutely perfect.
I can't wait for them to finally be together.
I also can't wait until the next update!
Really nice job! Bravo!
I'm working towards that, just have a couple things to go through first.
I'll get there eventually, I swear.
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