Post #25

Dec 30, 2012 10:01

Fics (# 24)

expected brown eyed girls, gain/narsha
probably girl's day, minah/yura
kakurenbo big bang + 2ne1, gen
golden opportunity btob, changseob/hyunsik
untitled snsd, sooyoung/hyoyeon
untitled snsd, hyoyeon/jessica
forget me not exo, kai/suho
iceberg btob, hyunsik/eunkwang
control vixx, ravi/n
Aloha Nui Loa Sistar, Hyorin/Bora
nothing worth Read more... )

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Exo; Sehun/Kai anonymous January 5 2013, 05:54:29 UTC

Kai is a hard-working peasant son happily selling food at the town market after a good harvest. Fair-skinned smelling-like-roses prince Sehun on his elegant horse does not mingle with peasants.

But those potatoes look delicious.


fill: How To Snag An Attractive Bodyguard, by Prince Sehun (1/?) anonymous January 8 2013, 16:27:45 UTC
Sehun was cold, tired, and miserable. He just wanted to get home, have his servant draw him a tub of hot water, have a bath, and huddle up in his finest Imported Silk, thousand thread count sheets. His beautiful white steed was getting tired, too, clopping along slowly, but there was a roadblock in the street ahead due to a tree falling over in the heavy snow, and pardon his French, but Sehun just wanted to get home, dammit. He sniffed a little, feeling his eyebrows knit into a frown and his lower lip slide out into a pout: he was going to be upset, he could just feel it. This was horrible.

Sehun casted an annoyed frown to his left: a peddler hawking potatoes. Sehun scoffed - he didn't even remember the last time he’d eaten potatoes, the lowly root. A glance to his right: a middle-aged woman selling colourful playthings - Sehun might have dismounted and bought a windmill because they were pretty, if the ground wasn’t covered with snow; his boots were genuine suede, after all. Oh, and if she weren't a peasant. Oh Sehun did not mingle ( ... )


fill: How To Snag An Attractive Bodyguard, by Prince Sehun (2/?) anonymous January 8 2013, 16:28:24 UTC
“How... do I remove... the skin?” Sehun asked the peasant, who stared at him, expression unreadable. Wordlessly, the peasant grabbed the potato over, which made Sehun jump a little (and wipe his hands on his brocade robe). He was about to call the peasant rude when the peasant started peeling his potato. Well, then. Perhaps some of these street stalls had better service than he’d thought.

“Thank you,” Sehun said stiffly when the potato seller handed the peeled potato back to him, snug in the rag. The potato seller glanced at him and turned away, clearly snorting at Sehun, to which Sehun bristled, but was sufficiently distracted with a bite of the potato. It was delicious ( ... )


fill: How To Snag An Attractive Bodyguard, by Prince Sehun (3/3) anonymous January 8 2013, 16:29:29 UTC
"Sir," Sehun blurted, then bit his lip because maybe that was overkill. "Um, could I pay? You? To... escort me back to the palace?"

Kai gave him a strange look, then looked pointedly back at his potato cart.

"I'll buy all of them," Sehun volunteered quickly. "And you can spend the night in the palace. I'll have them get you a really warm bed and, like, a post. As my Samurai Bodyguard."

Kai looked deadpan. "I'm not a samurai. And is this your idea of employing me?"

"Well," Sehun pouted, "it would be better than selling potatoes."

"What's wrong with potatoes? You had one. I love potatoes." Oops. Kai was looking rather offended.

"Nothing!" Sehun backpedaled so fast he almost felt the wind smack him in the face. "You know, potatoes are great! Yeah! Great....."

Kai snorted and went back to his cart, sitting down on the stool. "What do you do all day? You know, as a prince ( ... )


Re: fill: How To Snag An Attractive Bodyguard, by Prince Sehun (3/3) anonymous January 9 2013, 06:20:02 UTC
not op but lol anon i love this crackfic! of course sehun is suho's child, look at his attitude. and the end, kai you sweet thing *-*


Re: fill: How To Snag An Attractive Bodyguard, by Prince Sehun (3/3) anonymous January 14 2013, 11:04:29 UTC
his highness sehun is a prince, you can't blame him for being like this~ hehe I'm glad you liked this anon :3


op anonymous January 11 2013, 02:05:14 UTC

THIS IS EVERYTHING I WANTED!!! From the first paragraph on I could tell that this would be perfect and it was! This is exactly the kind of prince Sehun I wanted, lol. And I applaud Kai for putting up with him while staying more or less unfazed. xD

Crying tears of laughter at the lowly root. Will lovingly refer to potatoes like that from now on.

Sehun had to fight to keep his nose from wrinkling, because the peasant’s hand was holding that mucky potato’s skin with no gloves, or any sort of protection. The dirt, Sehun thought, appalled. But the potatoes did look delicious.

Sehun took two bites before he felt his legs getting a little tired; Oh Sehun did not stand around for long. I CAN'T WITH YOU xDDD

King Junmyeon *-* /curtsying and giggling behind my lace fan

Sehun's mild swearwords are so adorable! He's the cutest little snotty prince ever. And dashing peasant-turned-bodyguard(-against-his-will) Kai *-* And they even rode off into the sunset

Oh, anon <3 I had an ( ... )


Re: op anonymous January 14 2013, 11:08:14 UTC
ahhh I'm really glad this was what you wanted, op ;~~~~; this prince sehun is pm my headcanon and it was really fun writing him like that, so I'm glad you enjoyed it ;; potatoes are pretty lowly for his highness sehun, but hopefully kai teaches him the right ways! and kai is way too dashing for sehun to resist, tbh ;)

I'm really glad you liked it, anon, and thank you for the really qt prompt :3


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