Post #21

Nov 25, 2012 10:52

Fics ( #20)

notice me this year exo, kris/tao
trois exo, fem!Sehun/luhan/kai
A Matter of Perspective exo, kris/luhan
clandestine exo; kris/baekhyun
untitled beast, doojoon/dongwoon
untitled snsd, hyoyeon/seohyun
untitled infinite, sunggyu/dongwoo

There's a new delicious archive for seoulfulness run by anon(s) who aren't me hereFor flat view, ( Read more... )

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reply 1997, joonhee/anyone anonymous November 29 2012, 19:38:18 UTC
i just want joonhee to be happy, okay? give joonhee a boyfriend and i'll be super duper happy


Re: reply 1997, joonhee/anyone anonymous December 2 2012, 08:38:09 UTC
i totally get you ;A;


fill: reply 2008: start over (1/?) anonymous December 12 2012, 07:21:48 UTC
(i really tried my best, anon, i hope it doesn't feel like it was rushed or like the ending is a bad copout, and i hope you enjoy it anyway ( ... )


fill: reply 2008: start over (2/?) anonymous December 12 2012, 07:22:54 UTC
Yoonjae’s palm is warm, sticky and a little dangerous, because they’ve touched a bazillion times, and in places a hundred times more inappropriate, but this time it seems intentional. Yoonjae’s staring right at him, his eye sharp, the hint of a smile on his mouth.

Junhee stares at Yoonjae’s palm for a second too long, then slides his hand out under it to give Yoonjae a pat on his shoulder as he stands up. “Let’s get you home. buddy. You’re drunk.”

“I’m not,” Yoonjae slurs, more unintelligible this time, and lolls against Junhee as he gets pulled up.

Junhee juggles paying, looking for his car and supporting a babbling Yoonjae at the same time, stuffing Yoonjae into the passenger seat and doing up his seatbelt. He’s distinctly aware of Yoonjae watching him as he makes his way round the front of the car to the driver’s seat ( ... )


fill: reply 2008: start over (3/3) anonymous December 12 2012, 07:23:43 UTC
The chair of truth is Junhee’s first stop the minute he gets a break from his rounds, but he stops short when he hears, from the stairwell above, Yoonjae’s resigned voice.

“I did, stop calling me an idiot, you idiot. I kissed him.”

“And?” The stairwell is quiet enough for Junhee to hear Shiwon’s loud, impatient voice coming out of Yoonjae’s phone.

“And nothing. He said I was drunk and pushed me away.”

Shiwon says something in reply that Junhee cannot hear, but he sees Yoonjae ruffle his hair frustratedly.

“I wasn’t...... well, not even near enough to be slurring or anything. But I kind of faked it.”

“God damn, Yoon Yoonjae. What for?” Junhee can almost see Shiwon rolling her eyes on the other side of the phone.

“I didn’t want it to seem weird or anything, okay? I just wanted to see what it felt like. It felt really.... right. And also..... like there was a spark?” Yoonjae says, and Junhee feels his heart about to jump out of his chest. He can feel his heartbeat at the base of his throat - he’s not sure how long he can ( ... )


Re: fill: reply 2008: start over (3/3) anonymous December 12 2012, 17:08:13 UTC
not op but omg, this is wonderful ;~~~~; romantic but with just enough of junhee's pain and their past. and it so captures the feeling of the drama, too - "I don’t want to have to stake everything on one day and have it fail", wowowow. thank you for this!


Re: fill: reply 2008: start over (3/3) anonymous December 13 2012, 02:13:38 UTC
ahhhhh i'm so glad you liked it anon!! i was afraid this would be too sad for the prompt but i thought this was the most plausible scenario for an alternative reply 1997 ending (though i ship yoonjae/shiwon very very very much)! and i'm flattered that you thought it captured the feeling of the drama ;; thank you for reading anon! ♥


Re: fill: reply 2008: start over (3/3) anonymous December 12 2012, 18:06:06 UTC
op here! this was so beautiful omg you did an amazing job. joonhee bb deserves happiness so thanks for filling this


Re: fill: reply 2008: start over (3/3) anonymous December 13 2012, 02:14:40 UTC
ahh junhee really, really does! i was so mad that the show never confirmed if he really was happy with someone or not :( i'm glad you liked this op :3


Re: fill: reply 2008: start over (3/3) anonymous December 12 2012, 18:42:06 UTC
ohgoodlord I feel like crying because this is just beautiful and ;w; I WANTED TO READ SMTH WITH A HAPPY ENDING FOR JUNHEE SO BAD AND YOU'VE GIVEN IT TO ME.I love this to bits - his feelings of weariness, hope. I just. I have so much feels right now. anon, you are wonderful.


Re: fill: reply 2008: start over (3/3) anonymous December 13 2012, 02:16:34 UTC
ahhh anon please don't cry ;~~~; i'm so so glad you liked this, i really tried to give junhee a happy ending! i was so sad the show never explicitly cleared that up, i want to see him happy with someone gdi >:( but thank you for reading, anon, you are wonderful too ♥


Re: fill: reply 2008: start over (3/3) anonymous February 4 2013, 14:54:19 UTC
omg this was so amazing! i've wanted something like this for them for ages. joonhee always deserves a happy ending! and i ship them so much.


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