post #16

Oct 22, 2012 13:24

Fics( #15).

Always EXO, Kris/Lay, Xiumin/Luhan, Tao/Chen
give a little, get a lot infinite, hoya/sunggyu
shush 4minute/f(x), hyuna-centric, hyuna/amber [warning: self-injury]
birthday girl f(x), amber/krystal
raise infinite, woohyun/sunggyu
some like it hot exo, kai/chanyeol [warning: harm]
untitled exo, chanyeol/d.o.
seeking a friend at the end Read more... )

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Comments 336

big bang, gd/top anonymous October 21 2012, 16:06:19 UTC
gd and top getting mani-pedis together and goofing off at the salon on the regular :3 (based on this article


two words: classy and fabulous ; big bang gd/top anonymous October 24 2012, 00:28:54 UTC
"i just couldn't believe that seungri had the bravery to talk to me like that! my performance was brilliant, note-worthy, stellar," g-dragon complains, brushing some of his wet hair out of his eyes, placing his hand back on the arm of the chair.

the stylist smiled, taking his hand again and bringing the nail file back to his fingers, sending a small tingle down his spine, forcing his feet to kick just a little bit. he looked down at the artist that was working on his toenails. "i apologize, you know how i get."

"you'd hope," top jokes and the two of them giggle, their voices echoing throughout the nail salon. when they calmed down, top placed his free hand (soft with the hand cream that they had managed the fingers with), patting g-dragon's arm. "but seriously, your performance was amazing. your back-up dancers couldn't keep up with you! i don't know how ri could say something like that."

"i know," gd stops, nodding at the nail artist scrubbing at his feet, agreeing to the more expensive green paste that made his feet nice and ( ... )


OP HERE anonymous October 26 2012, 00:56:37 UTC
oh my god ANON, YOU ARE MY HERO!!! i love all the little details in this. gd and top shooting the shit while getting their nails done and top drinking strawberry milkshakes the entire time just kills me :') OF COURSE HE WOULD. AND LMAO IRL @ HONGKI'S CAMEO AT THE END. perfect.


infinite, sunggyu/anyone anonymous October 21 2012, 16:35:59 UTC
someone (or more than one someone) gives sunggyu a facial


Re: infinite, sunggyu/anyone anonymous October 21 2012, 22:29:37 UTC
jw, are you talking about the sexy kind or the normal kind?


Re: infinite, sunggyu/anyone anonymous October 22 2012, 03:52:34 UTC
the sexy kind! but if you wanted to write about skincare i wouldn't stop you haha


exo, lay/luhan anonymous October 21 2012, 17:04:35 UTC
zhang yixing is china's hottest pop singer. lu han is his number one fanboy. based on the many interviews and variety shows he's watched yixing on, lu han knows that they'll be the best of friends. he just has to find a way for them to meet.


Re: exo, lay/luhan anonymous October 22 2012, 12:04:41 UTC
+ 48457438 omg waiting for someone
to come and write this. ;nn;


Re: exo, lay/luhan (1/4) anonymous October 23 2012, 00:40:41 UTC
sorry, op, this kind of strays a little from your prompt. also unedited and kind of written in a stream-of-conscience style because i just decided to sit down a type whatever came to mind. u.u ( ... )


Re: exo, lay/luhan anonymous October 23 2012, 00:42:30 UTC
sorry, op, this kind of strays a little from your prompt. also unedited and kind of written in a stream-of-conscience style because i just decided to sit down a type whatever came to mind. u.u ( ... )


f(x), krystal/amber anonymous October 21 2012, 17:09:48 UTC
She pole-dances to gospel hymns.
Came out to her family in the middle of Thanksgiving grace.
I knew she was trouble
two years before our first date.
But my heart was a Labrador Retriever
with its head hung out the window of a car
tongue flapping in the wind
on a highway going 95
whenever she walked by.

-"Pole Dancer", Andrea Gibson


take me to the stars, f(x), krystal/amber anonymous October 24 2012, 05:41:51 UTC
this is the most appropriate kryber prompt in the universe, op. sorry for ruining it with like idek what this is word vomit fic? also crazy short ( ... )


Re: take me to the stars, f(x), krystal/amber anonymous October 24 2012, 08:05:39 UTC
OHMYFUCKINGGOD. Not OP but holy shit, thank you so much for this, anon!!! Fucking Krystal being so seductive...I'm dying from the sexy mental images. And Amber being so Amber <3

I kinda want to kiss you on the mouth, anon, no lie. ;)


Re: take me to the stars, f(x), krystal/amber anonymous October 24 2012, 13:19:08 UTC
op here, unf anon this Is exactly I wanted *___* the ust and hopelessly smitten amber and tease!krystal, hnnng. ty anon <3333


exo, luhan/anyone anonymous October 21 2012, 17:28:39 UTC
deer in headlights ; exo, luhan/lay (1/2) anonymous October 22 2012, 11:11:03 UTC
lay should have known better than to bring a deer - yes, a deer home after seeing the poor animal wander aimlessly from road to road. thank goodness his parents was on a holiday and he lived alone in a townhouse with a huge backyard, enough to give the animal some space to exercise ( ... )


deer in headlights ; exo, luhan/lay (2/2) anonymous October 22 2012, 11:14:14 UTC

“when are you going to leave?” lay asks suddenly, one afternoon, while staring at the 'human' in front of him incredulously.
lu han pretends to look hurt. “what? wanting me to leave already?”
“i actually don’t mind, but you've been staying here for a long time free, and my parents are coming back soon. it’ll be weird to tell my parents ‘oh, i took a deer home when you guys were away and that deer soon turned into a human and is going to live with us for free’, don’t you think?”
lu han doesn’t answer.

and when lay opens his eyes the next morning, lu han is gone.


a few years later, when lay sees another deer on the streets alone in the rain, he brings that deer home without hesitation.

“hi there! my name is joonmyun, thanks for bringing me here!"


a/n: sorry for the fail crack & all.
i'm no writer on lj but the picture you provided was awesome
and i was like 'i have to write that!' LOL.
sorry if there is mistakes! :c


op anonymous October 22 2012, 11:45:24 UTC
anon don't apologise, this is really cute! :3 i love the last line lmao and how lay just accepts everything and brings home more deer people. ty for this :*


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