Title: Memory Span
Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior (Yewook)
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: The memory span of a goldfish is three seconds. Ryeowook doesn't fare much better than that. Inspired by Memento.
Warnings: none
He opens his eyes and sees himself in the passenger seat of a car speeding along the road. He can barely make out the features of the man beside him, but his left palm feels sore. When he brings it closer, he sees bruised flesh smudged with black.
“Your name is Ryeowook.” The man tells him. It sounds rehearsed and repetitive. “You have anterograde amnesia. I’m your cousin. Trust me.”
Oh. Ryeowook thinks, and closes his eyes, absently rubbing the sore spot on his hand.
He opens his eyes and finds black ink marks on his palm. Most of it is smeared off, the skin red and chafed, but he manages to make out the words “trust” and “love”.
He feels a nudge to his side. The man hands him a bun with a smile. “Eat.”
Anxiety pits in his stomach and a blush creeps up his cheeks. Maybe those words are meant for him.
He hears Jongwoon’s furious pounding against the door and by some miracle he finds a pen. There’s no paper and no time to find some, so Ryeowooks scribbles onto his left palm furiously Don’t trust him. Don’t love him. Run. Hurry. and hopes it’s enough.