Title: the right way out
Fandom and Pairing: Hankyung + Heechul
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary:Hankyung believed in himself.
Warnings: none
the first night away from what used to be home, he slept on the left side of the bed, dreaming of heechul's voice on the phone, saying, drily, do you want to die. hankyung shrugged helplessly to himself, not quite getting the logic, or perhaps there wasn't any, only heechul and his stories, small fantasies he carved into hankyung's mind that ended with restlessness and lingered.
it reminded him of something heechul wrote, once, only hankyung never did find out what the odds of using words like strangulation and dilated pupils in star king were. it's only a memory -- heechul's words, hankyung's ghosts -- and it didn't give him nightmares, then and now, but there was the promise of it. promises, and nothing else, no actualization without the actor. siwon always did believe in a higher power, and heechul, well, he was superstitious in his own right, too.
for luck, he'd said at the airport, tucking a scrap of paper in hankyung's pocket, and even then hankyung didn’t have the heart to tell him he didn’t believe in things like that, didn’t believe that heechul would understand what mattered to him.
he'd find his own way through this, somehow.