Thank you! I start a new job on the 9th, and then I'm off to D.C. for a conference. It's looking to be a very full couple of weeks.
And thanks for all the recs. I've read about half of them, but the others are new to me, and I've found this is a great way to find authors who are new to me.
A Sea Change Series AU, Celtic Mythology. Slash. Words:145,960. Works:3 Complete
Jim is fed up with being a Vice cop, and he'll be transferring to Major Crime soon. He's taking a break by going on a little surfing expedition -- and cruising for guys. Anonymous sex and riding the waves are the only things he's interested in -- but the events that occur during his vacation will affect him profoundly. And there's something puzzling about the nameless beautiful hippie boy who catches his eye one night.
In a rigid class society, bastard Blair Sandburg has worked hard for his education, and is currently doing research for his doctorate on the tropical planet of Quyllur. Jim Ellison thumbed his nose at what his father expected of him and became an Orion's Hunter and then a Protecter. Their paths are about to cross when a new drug hits the streets of Cascade, New Rainier.
Comments 21
And a Slash one - Bond Of Life
I have Jim and Blair meeting as children (then moving forward to the beginng of the series) -- One Bright Summer, gen, 32K words.
And thanks for all the recs. I've read about half of them, but the others are new to me, and I've found this is a great way to find authors who are new to me.
Club with No Name
Both AU.
A Sea Change Series AU, Celtic Mythology. Slash. Words:145,960. Works:3 Complete
Jim is fed up with being a Vice cop, and he'll be transferring to Major Crime soon. He's taking a break by going on a little surfing expedition -- and cruising for guys. Anonymous sex and riding the waves are the only things he's interested in -- but the events that occur during his vacation will affect him profoundly. And there's something puzzling about the nameless beautiful hippie boy who catches his eye one night.
A Glimmering From Afar series AU, Future Space Story. Slash. Words:101,199. Works:4 Ongoing series.
In a rigid class society, bastard Blair Sandburg has worked hard for his education, and is currently doing research for his doctorate on the tropical planet of Quyllur. Jim Ellison thumbed his nose at what his father expected of him and became an Orion's Hunter and then a Protecter. Their paths are about to cross when a new drug hits the streets of Cascade, New Rainier.
Other recs:
The Children of Cascade by Mab AU, Space ( ... )
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