Title: The Asgard Don’t Wear Pants
Fandom: Stargate (SG1)/Torchwood
Word Count: 1,400
Rating: PG-13
Summary: General O’Neill and Senior Airman Joshua Roberts have a little discussion about Captain Jack Harkness, the DADT policy, and a few pertinent details about the Asgard.
Notes/Disclaimers: I own nothing, and am making no money! Also, many thanks
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Comments 58
Would love to see more, either this or another crossover with stargate and torchwood.
Also you captured Jack voice perfectly.
Stargate and Torchwood/DW DO go terribely well together! I love the combination. Have you ever read Seems Far From Home, Seems Father From You? It's one of my favorites - Martha ends up in Atlantis after she leaves the Doctor.
Keep writting :) You are very good and I would love to see what else you come up with.
Cya Mel
Jack's got a great point, and if the military can't handle the fact that the SGC needs to play a little loose with the rules sometimes to make it possible to keep the best people for the job... then they are going to wind up being one of those universes in the mirror where things went *wrong*.
Thanks for writing and posting!
I so wish you would write Jack-Daniel meet for the first time :)
Jack and Daniel meet for the first time on-screen in the original Stargate movie, don't they? I can't quite remember. ^^' *is very forgetfull*
I would just love to witness Daniel's confusion when he first realizes Captain Harkness is FLIRTING with him (who could not flirt with the Daniel after all) and then taking it all in a stride, because well he's the Daniel and nothing trivial like that should throw him off for too long.
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