Today I realized something about myself. I don't picspam too often. But when I finally get around to screencapping whatever it is I'm spamming about, I always end up doing ten times more than what I had planned. For instance, I was planning on capping maybe two or three key scenes in "Charlie Bartlett," with Star Trek's Anton Yelchin. I ended up capping, like, half the movie... Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's a lot. Especially considering I also did some capping on a cute little gay film I watched recently called "The Curiosity of Chance." Both of which are slightly angsty high school comedies. Woohoo!
So (for me at least) this will be a fairly massive picspam about two movies I've enjoyed recently, mainly focusing on the loveliness of Anton Yelchin, Tad Hilgenbreck, and Brett Chukerman. With special guest appearances by Robert Downey Jr. and practically everyone whose ever appeared on "Degrassi: The Next Generation." Insanely massive spoilers ahead!
So, "Charlie Bartlett" is about a guy in high school who is slightly obsessed with being popular. He has a good heart, and genuinely wants to help people, but his quest for awesomeness sometimes gets him into trouble. Thus he's kicked out of another private school and into public school... where he's feasted upon like fresh meat.
There are so many shots of Charlie's shoes in the movie, I'm starting to wonder if this wasn't a deliberate theme. Maybe I'm just crazy and am taking too much notice of insignificant details, but the shoes haunt me throughout the whole film.
Charlie's first day, as first days often do, sucks beyond the telling of it. But hey, at least he gets to hang out with the entire cast of "Degrassi!"
I'm gonna go ahead and assume that the movie was filmed in Canada (like everything else ever, apparently) because there are so many recognizable Canadian faces it's scary. Those crazy canucks!
Not all the canucks seem to like Charlie right away. Including the school badass, Murphy
Principal Iron Man is not amused by these shenanigans.
Charlie's gonna have to do something about this Murphy kid. Luckily he's ridiculously rich, and thanks to the fact that he started taking the short bus to school (don't ask why), he's made friends with a giant mentally challenged kid named Glenn.
Glenn comes in handy after school.
Murphy's understandably pissed. But he soon realizes they're both too cute to remain enemies for much longer.
Charlie reveals how perceptive he (thinks he) is when it comes to talking out other people's problems. He might have learned this from the various counseling sessions he's sat through for himself.
One of the best shots ever. His therapist decides to prescribe him ritalin because... well, I don't know. And I don't think the therapist knows why either.
The drugs have an effect on Charlie that is... fascinating.
This has got to be one of my favorite sequences in the whole film, as Charlie goes crazy with energy from the drugs the doctor gave him.
Let's run around in a giant, ever-shrinking circle until we reach the very center of the room!
Playing with balls.
OMG. The hands on this clock are moving so fast I can barely keep up.
Mom sits off-screen, far less disturbed than she probably ought to be, but that's just how this family works.
This experience has given Charlie an idea. Suddenly, he realizes how easy it is to get people to give him drugs to help with his "teen depression" and how badly some of his classmates would love to get their hands on some of what he's got. LIGHTBULB!
Naturally, Charlie starts counseling his classmates in the school bathroom. And this must be an alternate universe where nobody ever needs to pee, because they're always alone whenever they need to be.
Murphy wants a piece of the action.
I love this moment so hard. They're counting money they've made from their joint business venture, while the recording of Murphy beating Charlie's ass is playing on the TV in the background. (Which, of course leads to another venture, where they sell DVDs of all the ass-beating Murphy's taken part in.)
Popularity: Achieved.
Playing piano for the new love interest.
Nothing could possibly interrupt this kiss...
... except for Movie Cliche #356: Someone Walks In At The Last Second. At least they look cute in their awkwardness.
So. friggin. adorkable.
Craig from Degrassi needs some advice.
Charlie's more than happy to provide it.
Happy Charlie is happy.
Happy Charlie is even happier. He's about to be deflowered.
"My name is Charlie Bartlett, and I am no longer a virgin!" (actual dialogue)
All of Degrassi High is pleased.
Sadly, Charlie's business takes a turn for the worse, as this guy takes a bunch of his drugs in a suicide attempt. But I love it because he uses the threat of a second attempt to force Principal Iron Man into letting them do the school play. Also, Charlie rocks the greatest eyeware ever worn by any human ever.