Animals revenge

Feb 01, 2011 13:24

As some of you may know were going to pick up our doggy on saturday. Hes a rescue greyhound which means listening to a lot of horror stories about cruelty to animals.

So rather than preach lets take a moment to look at some of the finer moments of animal revenge

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dog, funny

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Comments 22

nollipop February 1 2011, 15:41:51 UTC
That's number one for a reason. Brilliant!!!


sensibleken February 1 2011, 16:22:25 UTC
i know i saw it and smiled with glee


dog_on_the_moon February 1 2011, 15:58:09 UTC
Avenger bear almost invisible heh heh! Would love to have seen what happened next!


sensibleken February 1 2011, 16:22:07 UTC
shit gets fuck up yo!


ex_theglaiv February 1 2011, 20:57:17 UTC
I am also fond of the bit where people swim and play in a sharks feeding ground and then act all surprised when they get eated. I mean, really.


sensibleken February 2 2011, 09:03:46 UTC
yeah thats always good. although i did almost swim into a basking shark when i was a kid


kitty_bangbang February 2 2011, 01:03:55 UTC
Thats awsome w the greyhound! at work well where i use to work we had the greyhound rescue come in once a month a women client i have now she has four greyhounds. they remind me of aliens lol. i think the ones w the one rescue group were racist toward other dogs, they would only bark at other breeds if one of their own walked thru they were best friends. my friend he loves sight hounds u'll have a smartie on yur hands


sensibleken February 2 2011, 09:05:04 UTC
i have heard theyre addictive. there was another one that i was tempted to say 'lets take this one too' but she then kicked me repeatedly and wee'd on my head!


kitty_bangbang February 2 2011, 21:13:31 UTC
lol addictive!?


sensibleken February 3 2011, 08:09:40 UTC
yeah. people say just ghaving one greyhound isnt enough


frontdoorangel February 2 2011, 14:11:36 UTC
These are so funny. I was hooked there for awhile on this show:

Some of your pictures kind of reminded me of it.


sensibleken February 3 2011, 08:10:13 UTC
aw pants. stupid work has blocked youtube. grrr. ill remember to have a look when i get home


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