Animals revenge

Feb 01, 2011 13:24

As some of you may know were going to pick up our doggy on saturday. Hes a rescue greyhound which means listening to a lot of horror stories about cruelty to animals.

So rather than preach lets take a moment to look at some of the finer moments of animal revenge

Dressing like a cross between an X man and a pinata and then annoying a bull to death is quite a popular activity amongst cunts. So its positively spiffing when the rest of us can watch their genes being tea strained from the collective pool.

Ah the hunter becoming the hunted. One of the dogs the other day had some buckshot left in his leg from a hunting accident so its good to see an alsatian that wont take any shit. And if he does take shit its gonna be directly from your ass with his teeth!

Aligators time on earth 200million years. Humans time on earth 200,000 years. Aligators time in zoos less than a century. I know maths are hard but what the holy fuck do you expect to happen when you poke it on the nose for a japanese tour group.

Ok which had it more accurate. Skippy or those cartoons where Daffy Duck would be in the boxing ring with a kangaroo and get the shit knocked out of him. Knowing that this photo ended the carrer of one of the clancy brothers adds extra poignancy

aaaand finally


When you see it. You'll shit bricks

dog, funny

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