I love having days off. *calm and happy right now*
Need to go to Walmart today...
Currently watching Signs. Already watched Secret Window (again), Reptillian (BAD B-GRADE! XD) and Dragon Heart: A New Beginning (haven't watched it in forever!).
Yay for movie nights!
And speaking of which...
Some speculation amongst Training Starlights. )
Comments 38
Tohma: *shakes his head in amusement*
Akai: *snickering*
Rui: Maa ne, Akai...*eyes wearily*
Akai: Wahahahahahahahaha.....!
Rui: *eyebrows tick*
Tohma: Do you want to do it or should I?
Rui: *smiles wryly* Be my guest...
Akai: OW!!!!!!
Hikaru: *sweatdrop* Well, you know... I was never really girly to begin with, but...
Josei: Never would have guessed about you.
Amai: ^^;;
Josei: Though it was pretty obvious the road Amai was going to take. ^^ She's such a sweetheart...
Amai: Maa ne Josei-san. ^^;;;
O_o;; Violent Tohma...
Amai: *giggles quietly* Daijoubu ne Tohma. ^^;
Hikaru: *sighs* So different than I planned...
Josei: Maa. =_=;;
Stop making that face!
Hikaru: *chuckles*
Akai: And Tohma's just perfect for her!!
Tohma: *closes his eyes* Gokiburi ne...
Rui: Aa...
Well..Tohma could be pretty violent when you push him. And Akai does most of the time. Akai's probably the only one who can push him over that deep end.
Tohma: Daijoubu, Amai.*shakes his head*
Rui: Akai is very special...*shakes his head*
Akai: ^^ Maa, but you're happy ne, Hikaru?
Rui: *shaking his head wryly at the expression on Josei's face*
Akai's just enthusiastic. ^^ And like I said before, I'm sure everyone realizes that he has good intentions, even though he's terribly annoying about it most of the time. ^_^;;
Hikaru: Very happy. ^_^
Taiga: *giggles*
Hikaru: *huggles* ^_~
Taiga: Maa ne, Hikaru! ^^
Josei: Marital bliss stage... *SIGH*
Amai: *amused* ^^
Josei: Don't shake your head at me, Rui-sama...
Sarah, take it easy!!
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