028- [April Fool's Event 09]

Apr 01, 2009 00:00

[ Filtered separately to Simmons, the Prinnies, Teatime, Mr. T, Yuki, Beat, Kid, Batman, Trucy, Jr., Belphegor, Danny, Zoidberg, Fate, Kallen, Kuzco, Captain Planet, Mokona, Renge, Optimus Prime, Axel, He-Man, Aisha, Sanji, Your Mother, Asura, Sarge, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and who the fuck ever else. Basically, if you want this filtered to your character? It is. If you don't want it filtered to your character? It still is. If you don't care if it's filtered to your character? It still fucking is.]

I have something very important I need to tell you.

Are you sitting down?

You should sit down.

Are you sitting down now?

OK, good.



I'm pregnant. And you're the father.

At least, I think you're the father. You might be. It's so hard to be sure about these things.

-wilson (dr_dancingqueen), -beat (da_beat_is_on), -axel (garbage_phoenix), !memento_eden, -prinnies (hailbeautyqueen), -fate (thunder_striker), -phoenix (thesteelphoenix), -aisha (ctarlicious), -yuki (nagatodotexe), -fay (fluorite_flux), -sanji (mrkishidou), -renge (fangirlizm), april fool's, -kuzco (emperor_llama), -belphegor (princeofknives), dude. tmi, -trucy (magicbloomers), -simmons (thetankisalie), -mokona (mokomanjuu), worst entry in the history of ever?, -kid (ossesso), -squalo (novolumecontrol), -danny (totallynotaspaz), -yomiko (deathly_origami), -lambo (to_ler_ate), -teatime (not_4oclock), -jr. (bulletserenade), mun will do anything for lulz, -kallen (ace_of_11s)

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