Fan Fiction: B&S - Three Kevin/Chad Drabbles

Aug 15, 2008 00:54

Author: semisweetsoul
Fandom: Brothers & Sisters
Character: Kevin Walker
Table: In the Dark
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I don't own the show, the characters or the Walker house, and that’s too bad!
Notes: Written for my claim at drabble123.

1. Title: Secrecy
Prompt: # 18 before sunrise
Rating: R

Secrecy )

writing challenge: drabble123, 2008!fic, fic: brothers & sisters, fan fiction

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Comments 7

merle_p August 15 2008, 08:43:04 UTC
All three are very good, the way you play with language here is amazing.
Especially loved "Secrecy" and how you worked with the alliterations.
And the last sentence of "Stars in his eyes" - wonderful metaphor, great wordplay.

I often "forget" about Chad because, honestly, he's the one of Kevin's boyfriends I liked least. But you capture their relationship perfectly, which made me want to rewatch the respective episodes.


semisweetsoul August 15 2008, 21:17:28 UTC
Oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :)

I liked Chad, he was just scared to embrace his true identity, but I do believe he had true feelings for Kevin.


marea67 August 15 2008, 22:39:56 UTC
Loved your drabbles, especially the first one.

Ah,sweet Chad. Really liked him, so deliciously torn up. And that voice! I think he cared about Kevin too, but Chad was absolutely right. Kevin and he were in different places.

Well done. Does this mean your muse is coming back?


semisweetsoul August 15 2008, 23:05:49 UTC
Merci! ;-)
If you see my muses, tell them to come home! I miss them! LOL Those were written in mid-July. I have just one left, and one another that needs rework. I'd love to re-watch the episodes, but something prevents me to, maybe I'm still mourning Rebecca as a Walker...


anonymous August 18 2008, 12:33:48 UTC
Lovely as always. I hope your muses comes back soon because I love your writing!
Thank you!


pinkfairy727 October 10 2008, 15:07:33 UTC
Wow! Yeah I keep forgetting about Chad as well but this makes me want to go re-watch all the old episodes. Pity I just lent my first series DVD to my mate.

Have you seen the Jason Lewis aero bubbles advert, it's glorious ;c)


mary684 December 21 2008, 21:54:10 UTC
I like all three. The second one is my favorite of all of them because there is a wonderful combination of joy, anger, meloncholy and avarice all wrapped up into it. I think all these speak to the nature of their relationship. Also, something about the clandestine viewing of his lover makes it very hot. I love this line Kevin feels some pride invading him because I read it two ways: one that he can/does physically invade his body and second that he is invading his privacy/space/vulnerability. Works very well and is...*coughs*...very hot.

I like the first with all the alliteration. Good manners, indeed! -- see, the things they teach you in kindergarten last a lifetime! Loved Kevin’s the poster boy for shilly-shallying Very nice characterization in one short sentence ( ... )


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