The West Wing - Sometimes Things Just Stop 3/?

Nov 23, 2007 11:33

Title: Sometimes Things Just Stop - Part Three
Fandom: The West Wing
Characters: Toby Ziegler / CJ Cregg, Ensemble
Prompt: #008 Silence
Word Count: 623
Rating: PG
Summary: Donna gets the news, and Josh has to deliver it to the nation.

Thursday Night
For a moment all Donna could do was stare at the phone, her hand still resting on the receiver. She noticed movement from the corner of her eye and looked up to see Josh standing over her. “Margaret just called…” Her voice was stuck I her throat and she didn’t know what to say.

“Is it scenario one, or two?” Josh asked, knowing the code would be easier for her to say.

“Two,” Tears escaped Donna’s eyes and she tried her best to stop from bursting into tears. He needed to know what was happening. “They said she’d lost too much blood by the time she’d arrived at the hospital. Doctors worked for half an hour but nothing could be done. She’s gone, Josh.” She watched as Josh took off down the hallway, finally allowing herself to breakdown.

“Donna?” Sam rushed to her side after seeing Josh run down the hallway.

“We need to call CJ’s family now, before they hear it on the news.” She told Sam quickly, brushing away her tears. “We need to deal with everything that has to be done first.” He nodded and hurried to get Bonnie. They needed to be quick, if they didn’t want CJ’s family to find out in the worst possible way.


Josh stopped outside the Briefing Room, his hand resting against the door. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do, but it had to be done and he couldn’t wait to find Sam. The people in that room meant a lot to her, and they had to know. Breathing deeply he opened the door and strode into the room.

“Could everyone please take their seats?” Josh called out over the commotion as a very confused bunch of journalists filled into the room. His hands rested firmly on the sides of the podium, a chance for him to stop from losing his balance.

“Where’s CJ?” His eyes focused on Katie as she sat down. “Surely she’s not letting you do an important briefing again.” He ignored her as best he could, he needed to focus on what had to be done.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, at seven o’clock this evening, White House Press Secretary Claudia Jean Cregg was rushed to hospital after collapsing in her home.” Every pen in the room froze, every dictaphone was lowered, and there was nothing but silence in the room. “Doctors worked for half an hour, but her condition deteriorated…”

“What’s happening?’ Chris asked slowly, the only one able to find their voice.

“By the time she’d arrive at the hospital she had already lost a lot of blood, there was nothing they could do.” Josh took a moment to compose himself before repeating what he’d been told. “CJ Cregg, died on the operating table.”

“Have you heard from Toby?” Steve asked.

“Toby was the one who found her when she collapsed,” Josh replied, trying to think up a god sentence on the spot. “He’s been with her the entire time, and he’s still at the hospital at the moment awaiting the arrival of the President and the First Lady. That’s all the details I have for you, we’ll keep you updated as we learn more.” With that said Josh left the room, leaving the Press Corps in silence.

“I can’t believe she’s gone,” Katie turned around in her chair to check how Danny was, but his seat was empty. “What are we going to do? I mean, we have to do something.”

“Yeah, we’ll do something Katie.” Chris assured her quietly. “Right, I’ve got a plan.” The silence in the room disappeared as questions started flying around and a decision was made on what they could do for CJ and her family.

Part Four

character: ensemble, warning: character death, type: fan fiction, fan challenge: 100_situations, show: the west wing, character: toby ziegler, character: claudia jean cregg

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