The West Wing - Sometimes Things Just Stop 2/?

Nov 23, 2007 11:41

Title: Sometimes Things Just Stop - Part Two
Fandom: The West Wing
Characters: Toby Ziegler / CJ Cregg, Ensemble
Prompt: #013 Death
Word Count: 1 661
Rating: PG
Summary: The ambulance arrives at the hospital, and everything becomes too confusing for Toby.


Two distinct noises filled the back of the ambulance, the least assaulting of the two being the sirens. The constant wailing was almost silenced by CJ’s crying. Her pain was all Toby could focus on and he cringed as her grip on his hand tightened. She cried out as the pain pulsed through her body. “Can’t we stop moving?” She cried. One hand held firmly to Toby’s while the other gripped her stomach.

“We’re almost there.” Toby attempted to assure her as he brushed hair from her eyes. “Just try and relax.”

“Try having your body ripped apart from the inside, and see if you relax.” She growled back at him.

“Miss Cregg is there anything we need to be aware of when we get you to the hospital?” The paramedic asked. He noticed a worried look pass between the two as he spoke.

“There’s nothing, besides what I’ve already told you.” Toby replied before CJ had a chance to.

“You told them already?” She asked carefully, still holding his hand in a firm grip. At his sharp nod she tensed a little. “I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t tell anyone.” She managed to smile slightly, momentarily ignoring the pain that seemed to echo in every inch of her body.

“I wanted to tell everybody I spoke to.” He admitted softly, pressing a kiss to her hand as the paramedic injected her with a sedative.

“I know, so did I.” CJ began to relax and she wasn’t sure whether it was her own doing, or if the sedative was spreading quickly through her weakening system. “Carol has been bugging me about my on-going good mood. I’m pregnant. That’s all I wanted to say every time.” Closing her eyes for a moment, CJ tried desperately to hold onto the joyous feeling that came with saying those two words out loud.

“Carol would have emailed everyone an announcement with…”

“With countless spelling mistakes.”

“It would have spoiled the surprise.” Toby played with her fingers for a moment. “I almost told Ginger the day you told me. She was scared, because I seemed to be happy.”

“You even scare Leo when you do that.” She was finding it increasingly difficult to keep her eyes open. All she wanted to do was sleep.

“What did you just give her?” He frowned towards the paramedic, taking note of how calm she’d become.

“It was a mild sedative,” The younger man explained. “It merely decreases the pain to a larger extent than the one I gave her originally.”

“Toby,” She grabbed his attention before he could start a debate over whether or not she needed another sedative. “I think I’m a little out of it.”

“Claudia Jean, you were born that way.”

“Just remember what Hogan said about Fish. It helps.” She smiled, as she finally allowed her eyes to close. “I love you Toby.”

“I love you too CJ.” As he pressed a kiss against her hand, he noticed her breathing even out. With all the noise around her, CJ had given in to the call of sleep. “Hogan.” He muttered, frowning as he tried to work out what she was talking about. The ambulance finally pulled to a stop, after what seemed like hours. The paramedic was saying something to him, but all Toby could focus on was holding onto CJ’s limp hand as they began to move into the hospital. He wanted to hold onto her hand for the entire operation, like taking a child to the dentist for the first time. It was too hard to let go. But as they neared the operating room, a nurse stopped him from entering. He froze, watching her disappear into the forbidden room. He hadn’t even noticed her hand slip from his. One moment had passed and she was suddenly out of sight.

Not paying any attention to the young nurse trying to speak to him, Toby looked down at his hand. When had he let go? It felt as though she was still there, like she was just standing next to him holding his hand. He could still feel her smooth palm. The feeling just seemed to linger there as if it had nowhere else to go. Words could not begin to express the tangled web of emotions that was slowly being weaved within his mind and heart.

“Sir, is there anyone I can contact for you?”

“The White House.” He replied without even needing to think it through. One look at the young woman told him she had no idea what was going on. Hadn’t she seen who’d just been brought in? Because clearly, she was under the impression he was slightly deranged. “On that operating table is the White House Press Secretary. I suggest you get whoever runs this damn place to call the White House.” He growled.

“Is there anyone in particular…”

“Donna Moss. She’ll be able to handle it.” As the nurse scurried away, Toby found himself left alone with his thoughts. Somehow he managed to find his way to the private waiting room, and there he remained. There are times when even the happiest thoughts can crumble into a desperate struggle for hope. And as Toby mulled over every moment of his life with CJ, the night’s outcome became all too clear. It seemed the moment a pessimist searches for hope, it has already been lost.


He was no longer alone. That was, at least, a blessing after close to half an hour of pure loneliness. His eyes travelled around the room. Zoey had arrived only moments ago and sat silently in the corner. He’d considered talking to her but thought better of it. She seemed content on coffee runs and awaiting the arrival of her parents, while he was content with not talking - therefore, making the whole thing a little bit easier on both parties. Nearby, however, there was noise. Margaret and Ginger sat with Carol who was desperately trying to digest the news. He could hear her whispering questions to them. Questions that she needed answered, but could not be.

For once Toby was unable to write away his problems. There was no way to describe what he was feeling, or even the atmosphere that engulfed the room. Waiting was hard. Waiting to hold her, talk to her, and kiss her. Even just waiting to see her take to that familiar podium and watch her running rings around the Press Corps again.

“Mr Ziegler, could I speak to you out here for a moment?” Everyone’s attention turned to the Doctor standing in the doorway.

“Sure, why not.” Standing, Toby followed the Doctor out into the hallway where they sat alone and talked. The atmosphere in the room was painful. Everyone wanted to say something, or have something reassuring said to them, but no one was willing to do so. Except for one.

“Leo?” Margaret stood as her boss entered the room, she sat down with him by the door. “I’m worried about Toby. What if…” Turning, Leo glared at his assistant.

“We’re all worried about both Toby and CJ.” He pointed out. “Whatever happens, they know they can turn to us for support. How’s Carol doing?” If he didn’t change the subject Margaret would remain on the ‘what-if’ track for too long. It was not something anyone wished to discuss. Saying it would make it too real and Margaret, being Margaret, was the only one who felt the need to do that.

“Carol’s real upset.” Margaret said quietly. “Donna’s taking care of everything for her.”


“Josh, Sam and Bonnie are helping out.” She frowned, as if it was the obvious answer. “They decided it would be best not to flood the waiting room, give Toby some space to breathe. I promised to call with any…” She trailed off as Toby walked back into the room.

“What did the Doctor say?” Carol asked cautiously.

“Can we see her Toby?” Zoey’s voice, strong and determined, broke through his thoughts and he took a deep breath. But no words were uttered. Toby glanced over the worried faces looking back at him. Each person was eagerly waiting to hear his next words.

“There was a lot of blood loss.” He began slowly. Everything in his mind was forming simple sentences as he opened his mouth. Like speaking was the only thing it was capable of controlling at the time. “There were complications with the surgery and they weren’t able to stabilise her. She’s gone.” With those two words he suddenly felt a rush of adrenalin. The moment they were spoken it was as if someone had smashed his chest open with a hammer. He breathed in deeply and sat down. Hiding his face in his hands, he tried desperately to avoid watching them digest the news. He’d hardly even had the chance to do so himself. One minute she was with him and then suddenly she’d been taken away. It wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real, it was all too sudden.

“I’ll go call Donna and let them know.” Margaret said softly, laying a hand on Toby’s shoulder. She glanced at Leo, who simply stared at his hands. No one else seemed to be taking action except for Margaret, because it was the only thing she really knew how to do.

“They’ll let us see her soon.” Toby told her before she left the room. Again, he was waiting. There was a nagging feeling that it was all a cruel joke. CJ’s idea of payback for leaking a story and, subsequently, embarrassing her a few weeks ago. She’d promised to get him bad. Maybe this was all a big joke. But then there was the blood. He turned his hands over, and glanced at his knees. His black suit pants were simply dark in most places from the blood on the bathroom floor. It was too much blood for the whole thing to be anything else but reality.

Part Three

character: ensemble, warning: character death, type: fan fiction, fan challenge: 100_situations, show: the west wing, character: toby ziegler, character: claudia jean cregg

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