Title: So Far Away
Author: Umi-chii
Credits: A part of project Rebirth Moon’s Syndrome Trilogy © Umi-chii
Author’s Note: Prompted while listening to Siam Shade’s Life. The title was taken from its lyrics. Anyway, this one is very short. I don’t know if I’ll include this in the main novel, but this one is basically just a sneak peak to what to expect when it comes to Chris and Zide in AS.
So Far Away
Asperger Syndrome
There were many things in life Chris had regretted of doing: the acceptance of the Council’s challenge, of becoming its new president, of robbing his only girlfriend’s power, of selling his own school to people who only thirst for revenge. But the biggest regret he had was lying to his best friend just to protect himself. No matter how much he would try to make it seem he’s protecting everyone, he couldn’t deny the fact that he did that to protect himself.
And whenever he would see those dark shadows underneath Zide’s eyes, or the fact that the younger man never smiles for the past five years since seeing his beloved fiancée exploding into nothing but bloody pulps, Chris could feel nothing but the guilt gnawing his insides.
He felt so ashamed of himself. It was a wonder he managed to live through day with the guilt stabbing every essence of his being.
Just then, his right-hand man left his post on one side of the room, walking out of the office. Chris stared at his retreating figure, wondering if he should follow the other as well. Ever since losing everything he has, it’ll take not much of a persuasion to have Zide do your whims, and Chris finds this terribly disturbing. When he had asked Zide to join Ægis, the then teenager just shrugged casually without a question. Chris didn’t even need to explain they’ll be dealing with the underground world and killing everyone who dared to oppose them.
And now, after five years of being together, just them and this solemn, melancholy atmosphere, a bullet hole here and there, Chris couldn’t believe he managed to find comfort that Zide fusses less over the wounds he got every other day. It was better that way-that Zide worries less. He knows that if Zide worries, result would usually be Zide getting harmed instead.
But then, knowing that he was the cause of Zide’s undead state was largely, if not entirely, his fault. After all, he was the one who blew Catherine up to pieces, the one who put their only home to flames, and the one who betrayed everyone, all for the sake of proving his loyalty to Ægis.