Fannish5: Top 5 vehicles/methods of transportation

Jul 07, 2012 16:50

Preface: the reason why you won't find the Star Trek transporter or the Blake's 7 bracelet depending transporter listed her is that like Dr. McCoy, I don't trust these things. I don't want to meet my evil doppelganger (or would that be my good doppelganger, in which case it's
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selma lagerlöf, x-men, dr. who, otp, meme, michael ende, jim knopf, perry rhodan, nils holgerson

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Comments 3

amenirdis July 8 2012, 11:24:44 UTC
I shall cheerfully be your evil doppelganger! :) Does that mean I get to be Mirror you and wear lots of black leather? I could be down with that!


selenak July 8 2012, 12:29:04 UTC
Read the preface correctly, dear twin: you're the good doppelganger. I'm already the evil one and wearing the black leather.


amenirdis July 8 2012, 12:33:17 UTC
Oh noes! You get the black leather and I get to look concerned and disheveled! That's not nearly as much fun. *pouts*


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