Fannish5: Top 5 vehicles/methods of transportation

Jul 07, 2012 16:50

Preface: the reason why you won't find the Star Trek transporter or the Blake's 7 bracelet depending transporter listed her is that like Dr. McCoy, I don't trust these things. I don't want to meet my evil doppelganger (or would that be my good doppelganger, in which case it's
amenirdis and I withdraw the objection), end up in a parallel universe, turn into a gigantic spider or get my age wrong. So, I choose:

1.) By teleporter. Of course, there are several of those around in many a sci fi fandom. My favourite teleporter of all time is Gucky from Perry Rhodan, but that's a fandom only some of my fellow Germans now, so I'll pick my second favourite, who is a German in a fandom many English speaking people know: Kurt "But in the Munich circus, they called me the Amazing Nightcrawler" Wagner of X-Men fame, played in the film by Alan Cummings and therefore doubly endearing.

2.) The Tardis. (Doctor Who). Well, naturally. Space, time, whimsical, daft and, of course, sexy!

3.) Emma the Lokomotive (Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer). In Michael Ende's first novel for children, Emma the train is in danger of being retired and scrapped for parts which makes our heroes Lukas and Jim high tail it out of Lummerland to save her and set the pot in motion. Emma is like Moya on Farscape in that she's motherly, brave, conscious and actually pregnant as it turns out, only her offspring is somewhat more emotionally stable than poor Talyn. Here are Emma and her boys, with their song:

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Also, in a quick Doctor Who crossover, when he was Five the Doctor confessed there was a time he wanted to become a train conductor (like Lukas), so there.

4.) By wild geese (Nils Holgersson). The cartoon version was one of my favourite things as a child and it broke my heart when Nils was normalsized again aind couldn't talk to the geese anymore. Anyway. Selma Lagerlöf reportedly wrote the book to educate children about Swedish geography in an entertaining fashion, and the result was something magical (at least for me). Nils, brat extraordinaire, is cursed/blessed to pint size and ends up travelling with the wild geese (and one tame ganter, Martin, who wanted to join them and was owned by Nils' parents).

5.) Bessie (Doctor Who). I know, that's two of one fandom, but how could I not? Pic spam and demonstration of love for the best car ever as well as DoctorBessie shipping manifesto. The TARDIS' only true rival. Here is her introduction to the show (also featuring the late lovely Carolin John as Liz Shaw):

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selma lagerlöf, x-men, dr. who, otp, meme, michael ende, jim knopf, perry rhodan, nils holgerson

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