Rambling away on links

Apr 01, 2012 10:43

A good new interview with Marianne Faithfull apropos an art exhibition at Tate Liverpool she's curating, together with her first husband, John Dunbar. (Some paintings from the exhibition.) I've been recently rereading some biographies in which Marianne, Dunbar and the Swinging London art scene show up a lot (Groovy Bob by Harriet Vyner about art ( Read more... )

peter wingfield, fanfic rec, harrison, mccartney, peter dinklage, dr. who, marianne faithfull, george martin, sherlock, beatles

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Comments 16

crossoverman April 1 2012, 12:17:13 UTC
When I first heard that story about Harry Saltzman, which was only just recently, I realised I didn't know who actually wrote the score for the film. Imagine my surprise when I realised it was George Martin himself. I had no idea!


selenak April 1 2012, 12:33:41 UTC
He did a couple of film scores. (The first one was The Family Way during the 60s, also together with Paul.) And, well, he's Martin, George Martin:

... )


crossoverman April 1 2012, 12:39:51 UTC
I had no idea he'd written film scores.

Very cool pics!


diotimah April 1 2012, 14:52:25 UTC
More on an amused note: someone vidded Live and Let Die to show Peter Wingfield's "transition of a young leading man in the UK to the 'bad guy of the week' in American tv", making a point about how British actors are used.

Lovely vid. Thanks for the link.:)

Aside from enjoying the mixture of Peter Wingfield footage with Paul McCartney's voice and music, I have to say that being a German, my sympathy for British actors and their typecasting in Hollywood is a tad limited. Seeing as our lot are getting even more typecast and have been since decades. (One moment, you're a dashing leading man of German films; the next you're Major Strasser in Casablanca...)

Yes, indeed.*g* Still, a good actor can still make something great out of a 'typecast' part, as Christoph Waltz (who's Austrian, of course, not German) does in Inglorious Basterds. And this may lead to more complex (though still 'villaineous') roles, as was evident recently in Carnage.:)


ffutures April 1 2012, 17:27:02 UTC
Nice vid!

You may recall some discussion of a Torchwood / Shirley Bassey connection... Couldn't resist writing it, but there are quite a few other crossovers in there.



selenak April 2 2012, 17:01:08 UTC
Aw, that was fun. Am very amused by Kara/Supergirl using the Kryptonian kiss of amnesia. Now I want her, Jack and River Song to compare techniques...


itsnotmymind April 1 2012, 18:12:37 UTC
Poor George. I wonder what changed George Martin's mind about that, since it seems to have happened some time before George H.'s death.

I haven't read All You Need is Ears yet, but I do intend to, at some point.


selenak April 1 2012, 18:51:34 UTC
Well, I don't think he ever changed his mind on Within You Without You. :) (Which, in all fairnes, um....) But I think the public praise from George M for George H's songs from The White Album onwards started around Anthology times at the latest.

Mind you, George Martin is speaking strictly in musical terms here. And to me the big contribution Ringo brought to the group wasn't the drumming per se (though that's important) but the personality - the fact he could get along with all of them even when they couldn't with each other, his acting talent (Ringo made both A Hard Day's Night and Help!) and what Paul once called "his Buster Keaton charm". They definitely wouldn't have been the Fab Four with Pete Best. And while George's skills as a lead guitarist are without question, I don't think his early songs were his big contribution to the group, either; again, it was George as a person (not for nothing did the John-Paul-George core remain the same through all the early incarnations of the Quarrymen/Moondogs/Silver Beatles/Beatles while ( ... )


ponygirl2000 April 1 2012, 20:16:18 UTC
The Peter Dinklage interview was really good. If only my time machine would take me back a few years to see him as Richard III...


selenak April 2 2012, 04:47:00 UTC
I'd love to see him play that role as well. *waits for the sound of a TARDIS*


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