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Comments 17

charlie_d_blue June 11 2010, 10:55:55 UTC
Just dropping in to say: hi, Illyria/Emma Frost is the most brain-breakingly awesome pairing I've ever stumbled across. And that's no mean feat. And I love your Emma voice. *g*


selenak June 11 2010, 11:01:24 UTC
:) Thanks. When I saw their icons next to each other, I just had to whistle and write.


watervole June 11 2010, 10:57:37 UTC
Many good ones, but my favourites were definitely Ellen Tigh, CJ Cregg meeting the Brigadeer (because you're right, UNIT totally need her!) and the way you capture Arthur Pendragon's voice perfectly.


selenak June 11 2010, 11:02:33 UTC
:) I had fun writing them, and am very happy about those you singled out!


watervole June 11 2010, 11:20:39 UTC
If you ever get the urge to write more about CJ and the Brigader, then I would read it like a shot. The professional (non_sexual) relationship between those two could be very interesting indeed.


flo_nelja June 11 2010, 11:29:02 UTC
I adore the Brigadier + Beast + Abigail Brand one!
I love the Arthur PoV on the Doctor and the TARDIS (and Merlin) too.


selenak June 11 2010, 14:05:55 UTC
I'm just glad my icons arranged themselves in such a pleasing way. :)


nevacaruso June 11 2010, 13:05:16 UTC
Your Emma/Illyria is absolutely perfect!


selenak June 11 2010, 14:06:18 UTC
They're clearly meant to be.:)


violaswamp June 11 2010, 13:38:07 UTC
Sloane the wee little puppet man! I like!


selenak June 11 2010, 14:07:15 UTC
I'm urgently telling this particular plot bunny I don't have the time for a genuine story, because it keeps chasing me...


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