Icon Pairings Meme, Resurrected

Jun 11, 2010 09:29


Go to your icons page in Livejournal and look at the first two icons (the one on the right and the one on the left). Pair up the characters in the two icons. Go to the next two and do the same until you have a list of ships. Then...well, write 'em.

It's been a while since I've done this one, and I have new icons and new fandoms, so I gave it another go. Filtering out combinations which remained the same since the last time, as well as real people not dead since centuries and the same characters twice, here are the remaining 'ships of crackiness and sometimes amazing fitness:

Merlin/Gwen/Arthur/Camelot - Well, duh. Canon, and lovable canon to boot.

Merlin/ Ray Carling/ Shaz Granger: Shaz wasn't sure what she had expected when entering The Railway Arms, but a trip back to the myths of her childhood in a landscape that looked suspiciously like France wasn't it. She strongly suspected this was Ray's and Chris' fault, because their eyes lit up when they saw the knights before you could say "red cloak". "Err, sorry?" said the dark-haired boy who took a double take when they entered the castle to volunteer. "Are you - look, I knew I shouldn't have changed the phrasing when I tried out Morgause's necromancy spell, but she keeps coming up with undead knights, so I thought Arthur should have some as well. But all the undead knights I've met were really not good news, so I wanted to be sure we wouldn't get evil ones, so I asked for defenders of the realm instead."

Amy Pond/ Arthur Pendragon: err, no. Definitely a disaster in the making, as they are so not each other's types. Although, I can imagine the following exchange:

It was amazing what being locked up together in a cave with a dozen manticores with a stranger could do for conversation. "If," Arthur said to Amy while they were waiting for the manticores to attack again, "you had just figured out that someone you trust more than anyone else, even when he's being irritating and talks and talks and talks except about what's really important, that this absolutely not existing person has lied to about some really important things?"
Not thinking about the Doctor at all, Amy replied: "Telling the truth is overrated."

Arthur/Merlin/The TARDIS: "This was your idea." "No, it wasn't." "Merlin, you left my armour unpolished and my horse ungroomed, and when I was looking for you, I saw you entering a blue box that didn't belong in the courtyard and was obviously a magical trap. Why the hell you're still alive is a mystery to me. Of course I had to come after you. Which makes it your idea that we're stuck with a mad sorceror who keeps on blabbing more than you do and keeps calling you Jethro!"

The Brigadier/ Abigail Brand/ Hank McCoy: After the Doctor had left, the Brigadier went through a bunch of scientific advisors to replace him, and had various soldiers share Mike Yates' duties. Then UNIT came across two people who claimed that they were from the near future and had been stranded in the 1970s due to a time shift and a supervillain named "Doom" who sounded even more self-important than the Master. One of them looked like a giant sentient cat with the vocabulary of the Enzyclopedia Britannica, and the other had green hair and was a woman. Still, the first time the Brigadier had an argument about ethics with Dr. McCoy while Agent Brand emptied five rounds, rapid, into some type of man-eating plant from space, he knew he'd finally found his ideal replacements.

Toby Ziegler/Andrea Wyatt/ Alice Carter/ Agent Johnson/ Lois Habiba/ Bridget Spears/ Rhiannon Davies/ Gwen Cooper: zomg, now I want someone to write a Children of Earth/West Wing crossover - darkest version of the Whoverse meets most idealistic version of American politics. Except that this takes place years after the Bartlet administration, obviously. But can you imagine the diatribes Toby would write after the CoE events were over? During them, he and Andy would be worried frantic about their own children, of course; come Day 4 and the world knows exactly what the stakes are, I think Andy would lobby against the deal, but feel free to tell me otherwise, fellow West Wing watchers.

...observe: at no point this involves fun crossover pairings. I fail at this meme; it's the instinctive gen writer in me.

Alex Drake/ Lucius Vorenus/ Marc Antony: oookay, now we're talking NC-17. Vorenus is the only one who'd need some persuading there, but if we're talking s2 Vorenus, I'm sure between them Antony and Alex could manage. For Alex, I'd pick season 1 as a time frame, when she still thinks everyone around her are constructs. Passing out in the AtA world and waking up in the Rome one would fit with that, and she'd write off historical inconsistencies as being caused by her mind. Since her subconscious evidently insists on inflicting her with men who make Gene Hunt look like a progressive and have issues that make the late Sam Tyler look like a fluffy angst free bunny, but who are undeniably hot, she might as well have a threesome.

Catherine Weaver / Tenth Doctor / Donna Noble: Well, he does have a thing for redheads. And Catherine Weaver is exactly the type of "monster" the Doctor has admiration and aesthetic appreciation for (see: automatons in "Girl in the Fireplace", werewolf, werewasp) even while fighting them. AND she has a Scottish accent! Still, I'd write it as gen on account of the Doctor-Donna = best buddies, not lovers thing I have, but seriously, this has story potential, especially with all the time travelling and multiverse canon of SCC. As for Donna, I think she'd start out seeing Catherine Weaver as a creepy robot to be defeated and then have a moment of unexpected angst when she sees Ms. Weaver interact with Savannah and John Henry, because as odd as those interactions are, they still lack the ongoing needling of her own conversations with her mother. If I had to move this out of the gen realm: both Catherine Weaver/ Ten and Catherine Weaver/ Donna could be swung, just not all three at the same time. As for Ms Weaver's motivation: alternate methods of time travel, of course!

(Henry Hellrung/ Patrick Stewart/ Ian McKellen): I know I said I wouldn't do this, but I had to mention the combination when I saw it. Let's just say that I'm pretty sure Henry has dreamt of it. (The icon in question is from the promotion material Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen did for Waiting for Godot, not of them as Xavier and Magneto. I'm also pretty sure Henry would stay the hell away from Charles or Erik, let alone both, for different reasons.)

Abigail Brand/ Ellen Tigh: After another round of frustrating exchanges with Unit Brand had just enough of manipulative robots who couldn't make up their mind whether they wanted to save humans or screw them over. She needed a drink.
"Have an olive as well," said a blonde woman and sat down next to her. "I find that always helps." With her dress, she had to be a civilian, but her body language said she was utterly comfortable in a bar full of people in uniform.
"Do I know you?" Brand asked directly. The blonde looked her up and down, and smiled.
"Not yet," she said.

Sarah Connor/ Cameron/ John Connor/ The Doctor (all of him) : gen prompt if ever I saw one. Given the crucial role of time travel in the Terminator franchise and the way multiple timelines develop each time Skynet and/or John Connor send someone in the past, I imagine each regeneration of the Doctor investigated. And I'm still fond if the idea that Seven travelled with Sarah for a while after Ace left in his timeline and after Born to Run in hers.

The Brigadier/Jo Grant/Third Doctor/ CJ Cregg: in another case of temporal displacement, CJ ends up in Britain during the time Three worked for UNIT. Given such unfortunate incidents as the press getting wind of events in Spearheads from Space, Geneva tells the Brig to hire someone in order to deal with the publicity problem (read: to lie convincingly to the press, which the Brig cannot), which is how CJ ends up working for UNIT as well. Definitely a gen prompt, though. But OMG, CJ at UNIT would be fun. At the end, and once Three can use the TARDIS again, he and Jo would bring her home to her own time.

Donna Noble /Tenth Doctor/Gwen Cooper: .... see above. Gen. Tricky to pull off since Stolen Earth/Journey's End gives the impression that this is the first time the Doctor sees Gwen, and afterwards he's not travelling with Donna any more, but it's not impossible. If in doubt, go for the Year That Wasn't or Pete's World. Canon AUs are so handy, no pun intended. I think Gwen and Donna would get along well (complete with "who had the most bizarre wedding day?" conversation).

Tony Stark/ Tenth Doctor/ Simm!Master: err. Back when the Valiant was built, you can bet Stark Industries was one of the contractors, so during the Year That Wasn't, the Master had Tony earmarked as a useful minion. By then, however, Tony had had his epiphany and became the resistance's key engineer and supplier with weaponry-out-of-strings-and-gums. It would inevitably end bloody, but somewhere before that there would be a three-way-showing-off-engineering-brilliance talk between Tony, the Doctor and the Master. (Which is how the Doctor and the Master have sex most of the time anyway, see on screen canon.)

Simm!Master/ Jack Harkness/Owen Harper: I wrote the gen version of that in Nowhere Man, and I don't think I can do better.

Six/Shakespeare/Tenth Doctor/Martha Jones: Shakespeare would definitely be up for it. The others, not so much. I'm not sure what Six would be doing in Elizabethan London anyway.

Maria LaGuerta/Gaius Baltar: train wreck bound to happen. He likes dominating women. She isn't above using sex to get what she wants. Together, they have a great one night stand before she discovers that he managed to get more people killed than any serial killer her department ever chased, no matter how unintentionally, and joins the long queue of people wanting Gaius Baltar dead or locked up.

Elizabeth Swann/ Dexter Morgan/Rita Bennet: She won't let Lila ruin Halloween for the children, who expect Dexter to join them trick-or-treating, so Rita doesn't tell him he's disinvited. She tries not to think of her Lara Croft outfit from last year, and the result that had on him and is determined to wear something completely different this year. Cody and Aster love the Pirates of the Caribean ride in Disneyworld, so Rita decides they'll all go as pirates. When Dexter shows up on her doorstep, not wearing any costume at all and looking surprised at the sight of them as if he had forgotten it was Halloween, Rita tries to tell herself the angry exasparation she feels is free of fondness.
"Mom is the girl in the movies," Cody informs Dexter helpfully.
"Elizabeth is not the girl," Dexter says in that earnest, matter-of-fact-way of his, "she is the pirate king." Then he looks at Rita and smiles. "Your majesty," he says, and right then, it's really hard to remember his desertion.

Arvin Sloane/Werewolf: "If you must know," Sloane said to Sydney, "the true reason why the Alliance keeps meeting in London is that you can't top the blackmail material we hold over the Royal Family." "There is anything the papes haven't uncovered already?" Sydney asked in genuine surprise. The CIA hadn't mentioned anything about this. Sloane made a disdainful movement with his left hand. "Trifles. Would it surprise you, Sydney, if I told you Rambaldi invented the only known cure to lycanthropy?"

Servalan/ Sarah Jane Smith: Crack!fic to the prompt "Interview of a Lifetime". Or a straightforward story during Four's tenure where the Doctor and Sarah Jane run into the OTHER Federation.

John Locke/ Elizabeth Tudor: During his first day as a substitute teacher, Locke found himself arguing about the death of Amy Robsart with Dr. Linus. He wondered whether it was presumptous on his part, given that history was Benjamin Linus' subject, but he felt passionately about this, and had done ever since childhood. "Elizabeth had no reason to want her dead," Locke said, "no matter how strongly she felt about Robin Dudley. She had already seen what an unpopular consort could do in her sister's reign, she had barely survived the Thomas Seymour scandal, and even if you assume she wanted to marry Dudley, which I doubt she ever did, given how it all turned out, it would have been far easier to have him divorce Amy or let her die a natural death."
"Never underestimate the power of jealousy, Mr. Locke," Dr. Linus said. "Even for a brilliant mind." He sounded sadder than the occasion called for. The he smiled, and poured Locke a new cup of coffee.

Angel/Connor/ Carl Denham: GEN! Clearly, the action film Angel took Connor to in the s3 finale was a very late Denham outing.

Six/Baltar/Connor/Darla: ZOMG Connor has a Head!Darla. This is even canon in Inside Out and makes complete sense. The story would be about Darla finding herself, after her last death, with Head!Six and Head!Baltar and being introduced to the dubious joy of being someone's morally ambiguous guide for the greater good.

Max Eilerson/ Connor: In the unfilmed second season of Crusade, the Apocalypse Box as well as some stunt of Galen's end up catapulting the Excalibur into another dimension... which happens to be Quor'toth. They detect precisely two human signatures. I fail at pairings once again, but I think Connor antagonizing everyone else on board the Excalibur would get Max to sympathize with him (see the unfilmed Crusade script in which Max gets along with Bester for a similar reason), and he might introduce him to his collection of human/alien porn on the basis that if there are no other humans in this dimension, a hormonal teenager has to do SOMETHING.

Syd/Sloane/Puppet Angel:.... An Alias/Angel crossover in which instead of antagonizing Wolfram & Hart, the Smile Time demons antagonize SD6 - or APO, because an s4 setting would be best - and Sloane, not Angel, ends up having to do a stint as a muppet would be AWESOME. Even Jack would crack a smile. Sloane's dignity would suffer terribly but being a genius evil overlord, he'd find a way to turn this to his advantage, and also, there would be some father/daughter bonding with Nadia. While Sydney would have to do serious soul searching about whether or not to turn Sloane back at all because the temptation to leave him in this state would be incredible.

Londo Mollari/ Laura Roslin: I think this was a Multiverse prompt at some point. Why has no one written it? .... Actually, I think Londo would keep his careful distance, while Laura would vent her Gaius Baltar issues on him.

Duncan/Amanda/Samarkand: Clearly, one of their missing adventures.

Illyria/Emma Frost: "Darling," Emma said, "I get what it feels to be superior to everyone else and put up with their whining, I truly do. And blue is definitely your colour. But don't you think you could branch out when it comes to taste in humans? Because frankly, I can't see this thing with Wyndham-Pryce going anywhere. Trust me, men fixated on a dead woman... well, let's just say I know whereof I speak."

Darla/ Timov: Err, no. Can't see it at all. Not even in conversation. And I love them both.

John Frobisher/ Amanda/ Rebecca: in a slight AU, Frobisher is Rebecca's last husband before she gets killed instead of what-was-his-name-again. After the business with Luther is over, Amanda and he have an evening talking about Rebecca and getting drunk together, complete with some hurt/comfort sex.

merlin, iron man, marvel, lost, battlestar galactica, x-men, torchwood, dr. who, alias, blake's 7, crusade, angel, history, meme, babylon 5

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