This is trickier to answer than you'd think, because in some cases I had to filter out candidates whose death, while hitting me hard, was quintessential for future plot development, and in others I expect their eventual resurrection anyway. *cough Steve Rogers cough*
The remaining candidates are:
1) Danielle Rousseau, Lost. Lost is a show that kills in every season, with glee, and has a high turnover rate in its cast. By and large, this works for me, especially since the show is good at introducing interesting new characters as well. So why Danielle Rousseau, as opposed to someone else among the huge number of slaughtered individuals? The simple answer: because I found her more interesting then the characters the majority of fandom would pick - Charlie, Daniel, Shannon, Boone, etc. The answer that tries for more objective justification: as opposed to Alex' death - and Alex would have been my other choice - which triggered a number of subsequent important developments, Danielle Rousseau's death, as far as I can see, not really necessary in the grand scheme of things. Her renewed existence could easily be justified by show mythology - Rousseau lived on the island for sixteen years and considering that she had no intention of ever leaving it, as she told Jack, even after finding Alex again, must have bonded with it to some degree. Which means the island could pull off the resurrection gig with her as well. She's a tough female character over 40, which is still rare on tv, alas. And her interaction with Ben, Locke and, should they make it back to the island, Charles Widmore and Eloise Hawking, could be fascinating to watch.
Also, I want Mira Furlan back on my tv. (Since we did get young Danielle this season thanks to time travel arrangements, but she had to be played by another actress, alas!)
2) D'Anna Biers (aka Three), Battlestar Galactica. BSG, too, killed a lot of characters through its seasons, and some deaths were more gratitious and fanservice in leaves-bad-taste-in-mouth way than others. (Both Cally and Tory come to mind.) So why D'Anna? Because her brief return in The Hub and Revelations reminded me that this character, while not exactly sympathetic (what with the ruthless killing and interrogating etc.), was immensely compelling, had a wicked sense of humour which made for awesome interaction with Roslin (and we didn't get nearly enough Roslin-and-other-female-characters anyway), dealt with Cavil beautifully (Three must be the only Cylon to snap necks before even leaving the resurrection tub) and best of all was played by Lucy Lawless. *obligatory Xena flashback* Given that said two episodes established a keen sense of survival ("I'm the last Three in the galaxy"), just getting rid of the character by letting her declare she'd stay on the nuclear-wasted Earth was both lazy storytelling, ooc and a waste. I kept hoping it was a fakeout and they'd bring her back again. And am rather crushed to hear she won't be in The Plan. I want her back, frak it!
3) Owen Harper, Torchwood. Let me qualify that. I'm actually okay with Owen's death in s2 as a conclusion to his personal storyarc. But I can't get the image of snarky ghost!Owen haunting Jack for subsequent centuries (and, err, millennia, given how long Jack will live) out of my head, and think it would simultanously serve both of them right and be a kindness eventually. Plus I still think they had the most interesting relationship in the two seasons of TW. I might eventually do something with that plot bunny, but if you want to write something about Owen Harper, Ghostly Sidekick To Jack Harkness And/Or The Face of Boe, feel free. In the meantime, I shall hope for a Burn Gorman cameo on screen.
4) Jack Bristow, Alias. Jack dying isn't even my top complaint about s5 of Alias, but his resurrection is amazingly easy to justify, given he died in a cave full of immortality fluid. In my head, he and Sloane bickered for a while (during which time Jack also heard Arvin's conversations with the dead Nadia and thus realised he had gone completely insane after her death, meaning lessened responsibility for the actions after same) and then, realizing he couldn't dig himself out on his lonesome, Jack helped Sloane with the column and they eventually made it back to the surface.
5) Anya, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Since I don't follow the comics, I have no idea whether or not she has been resurrected in that medium, and the tv canon is closed. Also, I happen to like Chosen as an ending for BTVS. However, sometimes I wonder what season 5 of Angel would have been like if instead of Spike, Anya would have rematerialized via amulet. She'd have taken to the reformed!business version of W&H Angel was trying to lead like a duck to water and would have made a hell, no pun intended of a consiglieri. She'd also have bossed him, Wesley and Gunn around in no time flat. Mmmm, Anya.
In other news, in recent weeks there were some great new Discworld stories. My favourite is this one:
That sort of thing, which the author sums up as: Vimes learns something about dwarfs. Carrot doesn’t really learn anything helpful about humans. This is par for the course, really. Gen, and the voices are dead-on.
ETA: I now have five Dreamwidth invite codes - is anyone still in need of one? First come, first served, etc.