Fannish5: Name 5 dead characters you'd like to see resurrected.

May 01, 2009 16:14

This is trickier to answer than you'd think, because in some cases I had to filter out candidates whose death, while hitting me hard, was quintessential for future plot development, and in others I expect their eventual resurrection anyway. *cough Steve Rogers cough*

The remaining candidates are:

Spoilers for Lost, Alias, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica and Torchwood )

buffy, fanfic rec, lost, battlestar galactica, torchwood, alias, angel, discworld, meme

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Comments 23

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selenak May 1 2009, 14:51:12 UTC
Ooooh, thanks. That's neat. I've not written Darla for eons, and it would be good to have another go.

Wash didn't have any Andrew interaction and was a leaf in the wind, I protest. More seriously, by the time I saw Chosen I already knew Spike would be back in AtS, plus while I liked him I didn't love him, so I was more sad about Anya as well. But Wash topped either of them. Wash, to use a Potter comparison, was Hedwig. After that death one felt anything was possible.


pujaemuss December 4 2009, 15:55:08 UTC
Absolutely agreed on Wash. Watched the film in the cinema and the entire audience started to laugh at the smug grin and "I'm a leaf on the wind." Then, as one, we all went very, very quiet.

The character shields were broken. They might actually all die.

Wash's death made everything feel far more perilous than another hundred thousand Reavers would have done.



selenak December 4 2009, 17:53:12 UTC
Absolutely, and that's why I never felt Wash's death was gratituious. Book's death, while sad, did fit into the pattern of mentor types being the ones which usually get the axe, so when he died, I wasn't afraid for the rest of the crew. But when Wash did? All bets were off.


alara_r May 1 2009, 14:46:30 UTC
I'd like an invite code. I signed up with an OpenID and I thought that meant they'd send me an invite Apr 30th, but no go.


selenak May 1 2009, 14:52:23 UTC
You got mail!


moonspinner May 1 2009, 14:53:26 UTC
Yes, please I need an invite code. Asking for my friend indie who didn't know about the OpenID deal.


selenak May 1 2009, 15:14:14 UTC
Send me her email address, and I'll send her the code.


moonspinner May 1 2009, 18:19:47 UTC
ETA: They both have accounts now. Thanks for the offer! :)


kathyh May 1 2009, 15:06:29 UTC
I wasn't going to do it but everybody else is so can I have an invite code. ::bats eyelashes winningly;;


selenak May 1 2009, 15:13:05 UTC
You've got mail!


kathyh May 1 2009, 15:14:34 UTC
You rock ::many smoochies::


nomadicwriter May 1 2009, 16:03:18 UTC
The lovely thing about Alias is that, even though the end of season five managed to screw up many things quite badly, all the devices needed to make it better have so much canon precedent that you can't even really call it fix-it fic: it's just "stuff that would totally have happened in canon if they'd been picked up for season six at the last minute".

One day I hope to actually write the novel-length sequel to/expansion of my ficlet Revelations and take the whole fix-it job on. But Twist of Faith III: The Search For Nadia must come first.


selenak May 1 2009, 16:20:42 UTC
Oh, this reminds me to tell you: I loved the end of Twist of Faith II! Speaking of precedents: I did guess Jack wasn't really dead but had not anticipated the totally logical use of the canonical cloning device.*g* And of course, the Sydney/Sloane and Jack/Irina team-ups are a great set up for the next season.


nomadicwriter May 1 2009, 17:05:06 UTC
Thanks! Yeah, I hoped people would consider the canon long enough to hang in there past the funeral chapter, because I know there's always the chance some readers will bail as soon as one of the characters seems to be dead. But really, the whole fic was just a long-winded way to set up part three, because I love Sloane and Sydney working together, and the hunt for Jack's murderers is the easiest way to achieve that. But of course, it's no fun if he's really dead. ;)

...My main problem with killing off characters in fic is not that I have trouble killing them, but that it bums me out when I can't use them in the story any more after they're dead. So Alias canon's flexible attitude to death is very useful that way.


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