
Nov 30, 2008 10:18

This is the weekend of writing and signing Christmas mail. I can't stand the sight of my own name anymore, let me tell you that. And there is yet more to come. So, in brevity, some recs:


Civil War: neither the English nor the 19th century American one, but the comics event in the Marvelverse two years ago. By now, enough Marvel characters ( Read more... )

milk, vid rec, jms, marvel, changeling

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Comments 12

skywaterblue November 30 2008, 09:30:23 UTC
Milk looks too good. I read that review already and was excited to go see it this morning... but it's not out in Las Vegas yet. :( Limited release, opens wide next week proper. Moments like this are where I miss Chicago.


selenak November 30 2008, 09:50:00 UTC
Movies open earlier in Chicago than Las Vegas? Also, I'll watch out for your own review next week then!


skywaterblue November 30 2008, 19:36:33 UTC
Limited Release goes by major population centers first, where as Open goes everywhere. The wiki article says New York and Los Angeles, which is pretty common, but limited release usually also includes San Francisco and Chicago.

Basically, any city with a population of five + million and a relatively healthy newspaper industry.


(The comment has been removed)

selenak November 30 2008, 10:00:02 UTC
I was lucky and had teachers in religious education who encouraged debate - in fact that's where I learned to debate, long before it came up in other classes - thinking through ethical dilemmas, taking up different view points, etc. It was always challenging, thought-provoking and fun. So I had a positive childhood imprint instead of a negative one, as opposed to a lot of other people I know. Religion - of any persuasion - can of course be used in horrible and damaging ways (I'd then classify it as ideology); but when we're talking about presentations in fiction, I find stories where every priest/nun/preacher/iman is EVIL (tm) as unrewarding and simplistic as stories where they're all saintly.


wee_warrior November 30 2008, 10:09:45 UTC
I can't stand the sight of my own name anymore, let me tell you that. And there is yet more to come.

Investing in a pretty stamp with your name would probably be cheating, would it? ;)


selenak November 30 2008, 15:20:48 UTC
It would, and also, people notice. *g*


likeadeuce November 30 2008, 16:57:26 UTC
Oh, that vid is very cool. I only feel a little bit sorry for sweet hapless movie Reed being associated with dickish McCarthy-nostalgic Civil War Reed.

And is it wrong to wish they'd used the clip from 'Wonder Boys' where Downey & Tobey Maguire are in bed together?


selenak November 30 2008, 17:08:06 UTC
That clip is saved for the Extra Special DVD of Civil War - The Movie. *g*

(Also, I think you'll have to write Tony/Peter, sooner or later. Because nobody else has yet managed a believable version (I'm so not into slave kinks), and hey, it would make at least as much sense as the stupid retcon, plus is Marvel ever going to address all those issues between them given the retcon?)

Reed: what, and no sympathies for movie Hulk? *veg*


likeadeuce November 30 2008, 17:13:12 UTC
Well, Hulk is Hulk. Whatever the context, he's going to rampage at some point --

I wouldn't mind writing some Tony/Peter if I could get my brain to figure out how to deal with various retcons and such.



selenak November 30 2008, 17:26:47 UTC
How about a "Five things that never happened between Tony Stark and Peter Parker"? You could set those at various points in canon (or rather, at one point where a departure would have resulted in, etc.).

And true enough. You can't slander the Hulk -


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