
Nov 30, 2008 10:18

This is the weekend of writing and signing Christmas mail. I can't stand the sight of my own name anymore, let me tell you that. And there is yet more to come. So, in brevity, some recs:


Civil War: neither the English nor the 19th century American one, but the comics event in the Marvelverse two years ago. By now, enough Marvel characters have appeared in films for footage to exist, and here a vidder has used it to create a gread vid about the big crossover event that, while severely flawed in execution, still is the one providing some terrific character stuff.

Film reviews which make me not only want to see the movies in question but sulk over the fact it will take a while (read: months, if not a year) till they make it to Germany for me to watch, while you Americans and Brits are already able to do watch them at your leisure:



The later's script was written by JMS. (That would be the creator of Babylon 5, for non-B5 watchers, J. Michael Straczynski.) One tiny paragraph betrays the reviewer can't have watched the show:

The Rev Gustav Briegleb (John Malkovich), an eloquent Presbyterian pastor with a regular radio programme, takes up her case, beginning with a fierce sermon indicting the LAPD under police chief James Davies for negligence, inefficiency and corruption, collaborating with criminals rather than serving the public. He seems initially to be an obsessive, hellfire preacher, another menacing role for Malkovich, we're led to think. He is soon revealed to be a courageous, implacable crusader.

Considering that JMS is not only an atheist scriptwriter who, like RTD and to a lesser degree Joss Whedon, is fascinated by religious subjects and keeps returning to them, but who also tends to present priests of various religions (both real ones and fictional ones) in a positive light, this is not especially surprising.

milk, vid rec, jms, marvel, changeling

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